McCluskey Chevrolet and McCluskey Automotive See Results from Wikimotive’s Dynamic Facebook Ads


Link Clicks


Cost Per Link Click
Industry Avg: $2.24


Customer Specific VIN Leads


Cost Per VIN Lead
Industry Avg: $43.84

The Challenge

McCluskey Chevrolet and McCluskey Automotive were looking to follow up with customers who visited their site and looked at specific vehicles but did not submit a lead.

The Solution

Wikimotive recognized an opportunity for McCluskey Chevrolet and Mccluskey Automotive to expand their reach on Facebook and developed a customized Social Ad Plan for them.
Wikimotive helped McCluskey Chevrolet and McCluskey Automotive find success in its Facebook efforts, by utilizing our WikiVin Dynamic Ads

The Results

In just 1 year with WikiVin Dynamic Click to Website Ads McCluskey Chevrolet and McCluskey Automotive saw:

  • An average cost per content view of just $0.12
  • 108,623 Link Clicks
  • An average cost per click of just $0.31 (Industry Average is $2.24)
  • 279,104 Content Views
  • Over 2,663,343 Ad impressions
  • A Click through rate of 4.16% (Industry Average is 0.80%)

In just 11 months with WikiVin Dynamic Lead Ads McCluskey Chevrolet and McCluskey Automotive saw:

  • 948 Vin Specific Leads delivered directly to their CRM by Wikimotive
  • An average cost per lead of just $11.94 for Customer Specific VIN Leads delivered to their CRM (Industry Average is $43.84)

With Wikimotive’s exclusive Dynamic Retargeting Ads process there is no doubt that the McCluskey Automotive Group will become the #1 Chevrolet Dealer in the country.

What are WikiVin Dynamic Ads?

We start with installing a Facebook Pixel on your website and setting up custom events to track each visitors exact actions on your website. We then ingest and map all of your inventory. We work with you to get a better understanding of how you utilize price fields, feature fields and more. Once we get the details squared away we upload your vehicles to Facebook utilizing our exclusive process. We then create Ad campaigns that target shoppers from your website with the exact same vehicle they were looking at. They continue to see the vehicle on Facebook, Instagram and the audience network until they submit a lead on your site.

Why are WikiVin Dynamic Ads better than traditional Facebook Ads?

Traditional Facebook Ads are targeted using third party data(Ew, Data Costs!). Marketers then create basic copy and creative and set the Ad live in hopes that in market shoppers will click. Well, what if the vehicle isn’t the color they were interested in? What if you don’t have any on your lot in the color they’re looking for? What if your in stock vehicles don’t have the exact features they were interested in? All of that translates to wasted Ad Spend. With WikiVin Dynamic Ads we show your customer the exact vehicle they were interested in! Don’t waste your Customers time or your money with traditional Facebook Ads!

What makes our WikiVin Dynamic Ads so Successful?

It’s Simple, the proof is in the exceptional Ad Copy that we create for our clients. Take a look at our ads compared to “The Other Guys”:

WikiVin Dynamic Ads:

We craft dynamically created copy for all of your Ads with enticing CTA’s. We also illustrate the discount customers can get if they act right now in an easy to see Price Bubble. That Bubble even matches your dealerships colors!
Fantastic Facebook Ad - Automotive
Facebook Dynamic Retargeting for Car Dealers

“The Other Guys Dynamic Ads”

No copy, No pricing & Vehicles with no images!(Don’t worry, we automatically filter out vehicles with no images!)

A bad example of automotive facebook retargeting ads
Retargeting Facebook Ads with broken images