Content Marketing Victoria Editing Content

Content Marketing SEO

Content Marketing Victoria Editing Content

Content Marketing

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Our expert team of SEO analysts and content writers will craft you a personalized content marketing strategy, informing your visitors and ranking your website for the keywords important to your business.


The majority of companies recognize Content Marketing as an important and growing channel for their efforts.


What makes Wikimotive different is our organic approach to content planning and our human touch to strategy development. Our thorough and hands-on approach ensures that your content is written for the user and optimized to perform in search.

The Importance of Content Marketing to Your Dealership


Content marketing is the practice of generating in-depth, high-quality content on your website pages designed to inform consumers. Content marketing is also one of the most important components of a well-rounded SEO strategy. In modern search engine optimization, search engines reward websites that demonstrate Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E.A.T.). This conveniently allows you to kill two birds with one stone. By writing rich content that will benefit your web page visitors, you automatically increase the E.A.T. of your web pages.

Writing thorough and informative content is part of the puzzle, but you must also make sure you’re writing to the right searcher intent. By clearly answering your targeted user’s questions within your content, search engines are able to identify the topic of your page, its relevance to searchers, and help match the right users with your content. The greater the quality and quantity of your page content, the more authority search engines will assign to it, and the higher you will rank for the topics related to your page.

Interlinking your content is another important component of content marketing. Linking to related pages that a user would find valuable or helpful not only allows the user to better navigate from page to page but also guides search engine crawlers. These links help search engines identify the relationship between different high-quality pages and can help you sculpt your page authority in a natural and user-centric way.

Our expert team of SEO analysts and content writers will craft you a personalized content marketing strategy focused on high quality, quantity, and consumability, informing your visitors and ranking your website pages for the keyword terms important to your business.


Developing a content marketing strategy begins with determining what your target audience is searching for, and what those searches mean. Once the search terms, or keywords, are identified, their intent is determined. Search intent must be understood in order to produce content that will satisfy that intent. The intent of search terms can be boiled down to three primary categories. These are Navigational, Informational, and Transactional searches.
  • Navigational searches are those looking for a specific website or page online.
  • Informational searches are those seeking information on a topic.
  • Transactional searches are those made with the intent to purchase a product or service.


With all the relevant keywords identified, we determine which keywords demonstrate an intent that is in line with your business goals. That intent is then weighed against the volume of people searching to determine priority.


Your content strategy is developed by balancing search volume with search intent in order to determine which pages will benefit you the most. Keywords with clear transactional intent are commonly prioritized above keywords with higher search volume, but only with informational intent.


Web page content must be focused on answering the user’s question that led them to the page. Planning out page content begins by examining the keywords that the page is to rank for. The content of the page must then be written to satisfy the intent of that keyword. While content pages should always be in-depth and high quality, it often isn’t realistic or desirable to exhaustively cover a topic on a single page. For this reason, multiple pages of content are written on different facets of a topic and interlinked for easy navigation. This interlinking also helps search engines determine which pages are important for which keywords.


We begin by analyzing your existing content and determining which pages do not currently meet the standards of length, quality, and information required to be effective. We then plan rewrites to existing content to bring it into line with content marketing best practices.


Content is produced over time, with the highest value keywords targeted first. Topics are cycled through over time and expanded upon with additional pages of content which help to reinforce other pages and your website. Search engines consider content recency when valuing pages, so new pages are always created, and old pages are revisited to ensure quality and increase the content quantity if needed.


In times past, web pages could rank in search by simply repeating the target keyword in a number of different ways throughout a relatively short page. The accuracy and helpfulness of the page content were not necessarily relevant as long as the keyword was present. Today this couldn’t be further from the truth. Forced use of your targeted keywords is not helpful, and when it comes to content, search engines are interested in the Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness of your web pages.


Content is developed naturally around a topic rather than just keywords. This allows us to write content organically, which is designed to be informative and rich. Rather than cramming keywords into sentences to send a message to search engines, we write naturally and use the context of a page’s content to generate search engine authority.


Content is produced over time, with the highest value keywords targeted first. Topics are cycled through over time and expanded upon with additional pages of content which help to reinforce other pages and your website. Search engines consider content recency when valuing pages, so new pages are always created, and old pages are revisited to ensure quality and increase the content quantity if needed.


We begin by doing market and keyword research, guided by your business goals and growth opportunities. After identifying all the relevant keywords with a significant volume of user searches, we craft a priority order based on user intent and the areas of created opportunity. Next, we clean up your existing content and set about crafting pages with a high quality and quantity of content, and interlink those pages based on their topics to signal to search engines which pages are important for which topics. As the strategy progresses, we measure results and make adjustments to the strategy, revisiting topics and expanding to new ones. What makes Wikimotive different is our organic approach to content planning and our human touch to strategy development. Our thorough and hands-on approach ensures that your content is written for the user and optimized to perform in search.
Content Marketing Associate Kelsea

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