Google Analytics Audit Dashboard

How to Copy, Sync, and Utilize This Report

Step 1: Access

Data Studio Report

Use the link to access our version of the Google Data Studio Report.

This is a quick look at our template of the audit, to copy it; however, you’ll need to set up a “Data Source” of your own.

Step 2: Data Source

In order to create your own Wikimotive Google Analytics Audit Report, you’ll need to have a Google Analytics source to pull data from first. This step will outline how to create that link with Google Analytics.

In a new browser tab navigate to:

If you are not already signed into your Google Account you will either need to create one or sign in when redirected from this link.

i. Click Create

Google Data Studio Create Button
Google Data Studio Data Source Selector

ii. Select “Data Source”

iii. Enter the name of your Data Source on the top right of the screen

Google Data Studio Connector Name Input
Google Analytics Data Connector for Data Studio

iv. Select “Google Analytics”

v. Find your Google Analytics View in the list and click “Connect” A connect button for a google data studio data source

A list of google analytics properties

Here, when using Google Data Studio, you would have the option to edit fields. For your ease, we’re going with the default fields. So you can close this tab.

vi. Return to our report to copy it.

Data Studio Report

Step 3: Your Copy

Now we’ll copy over our template with your data so that you can utilize it!

i. Click the “Copy” button

A data studio copy button

ii. The data connection you made will be there, but you can double check by clicking the selector before you apply.

A copy menu from Google Data Studio

Step 4: Enjoy!

Your Wikimotive Google Analytics Audit is now ready to be utilized, and further detail on the functions of the dashboard itself can be found in the report! Good luck, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.