Archives: Social Posts

Relax. There is Not Going to Be a Facebook Dislike Button!

Oh boy…the Facebook “Dislike” Button has caused quite a stir across the web. Some hate the idea, while others love it. Yet, it seems as though Mark Zuckerberg misspoke in a Q&A Townhall LIVE stream on Tuesday September 15th. Zuckerberg states that a Facebook “dislike” button is on its way to the Facebook platform, however, he quickly follows up with […]

Facebook Local Awareness Ads: ‘Call Now’ Button is Coming!

  Facebook Local Awareness Ads will soon be adding a  ‘Call Now’ call-to-action button in addition to its current CTA buttons: Like Page and Get Directions. Its newest anticipated addition will most likely provide more ROI than the existing CTA`s combined. But first, let`s cover what exactly a Facebook Local Awareness Ad is… What is a Facebook Local Awareness Ad? Facebook […]

Why Your Business Profile Picture Matters!

Your business profile picture says more about your brand than you may think. It is your the “face” of your company for the online world, and could have an effect on your Facebook marketing, as well as other social media efforts. Your business profile picture will outrank your social media account, page and cover photos.  It is not just another […]

3 Recent Facebook Algorithm Changes

  The Facebook Algorithm deciphers what people see within the news feed. It is dependent on social actions users take or not and will custom the news feed to what you do on Facebook. As a business relying on automotive Facebook marketing, you need people to see your brand within their news feed to continue being top of mind and […]

4 Social Media Shortcuts You Need to Ditch

    Depending on the types of social media shortcuts, you could actually be hurting your brand instead of helping it. Unfortunately, what was once a social media trend can easily be frowned upon today. Are you making these social media faux pas’s that could be detrimental to your brand? It’s time to do some spring cleaning and rethink which social […]

YouTube Cards Add Another Level of Viewer Engagement

YouTube Cards Add Another Level of Viewer Engagement

For years YouTube annotations have offered creators the opportunity for viewers to click on external links added to videos. Now, with the introduction of YouTube Cards, viewers  can experience a whole new level of engagement. As annotations are small and hardly noticeable, many viewers may over look them. YouTube Cards, on the other hand, provide a visual display. YouTube Cards are the long awaited […]

Facebook Alters Page Likes Count, Improves Audience Data

Facebook is making even more changes to better the quality of Facebook pages by cleaning up page likes and improving audience data. Facebook has been making a lot of changes as of late by disapproving of overly promotional posts and adding a relevance score to improve Facebook Ads in news feeds. This time around Facebook is improving your business’s Facebook page likes. […]

Responding to Negative Reviews: Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that negative reviews could be costing you? Not simply because they are written, but more so to do with your lack of response? No business wants to encounter a negative review, but reputation management is now a crucial part of doing business. There’s no getting around it. Sometimes, it is the fault of the business or it […]

Which Social Networks Provide ROI for Dealerships?

Which Social Networks Provide ROI for Dealerships?

  It seems that dealerships are still stuck in 2010, spending much of their time creating a social presence that does not provide true value. Having a mere presence on social networks just doesn’t cut it anymore and it shouldn’t. You’re efforts need a return on investment and you need to begin  implementing strategies that will help you define your […]

Define Your Dealership’s Social Media ROI

This Get Your Social On episode was inspired by one of our very own #GYSOAddicts, Barry Stone! Barry asked a great question on the GYSO Facebook Group regarding which social networks are the best to use and in-turn, it created a topic we covered in this episode, “Defining YOUR Social media ROI.”

A Quick Break Down of Google Plus Analytics

A Quick Break Down of Google Plus Analytics

Last week we talked about Google Plus Business Pages and how G+ has transformed into “Google My Business” and thus, we only see it fitting to explain its Google Plus analytics for you to evaluate your ROI. As you are already aware, analytics are a fantastic way to see how your efforts did amongst an audience. And depending on what […]

Creating Holiday-Specific Inventory Posts on Social Media

The Holiday Season is the perfect time to utilize inventory posts to your social networks, especially Facebook. Tis’ the season to share in the joy and now as the dealer, it is your opportunity to incorporate that festiveness into posts you create for your automotive social media campaigns. Using a VDP page from your dealership website, you can become inspired […]