6 Underutilized Tips to Make the Facebook Algorithm LOVE Your Page

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When it comes to the Facebook algorithm, we are all striving for its attention. We post, we engage and we try to do the best Facebook marketing we can to make our own pages and client’s pages a success.

It is an arduous task to try and monitor and maintain a Facebook page the way Facebook wants you to in order for its algorithm to take notice.

Many of its users are already aware that Facebook likes comments and shares triggers Facebook, notifying it that your page has gained traction and some authority.

The buck pretty much stops there for many, as those particular social actions are what everyone talks about within blog posts and tips on how to increase reach within Facebook.

There is a lot more to getting the Facebook algorithm to like your Facebook business page then those three well-known social actions.

To understand the Facebook algorithm you must see it as a mixture of a website and how search engines operate. Although, instead of keywords, Facebook utilizes social actions and content to see how far your pages reach will be seen within News Feeds, which is much like a search engine.

Here are 6 underutilized tips that help the Facebook algorithm to like your page:

1. Facebook Ads

There are still too many businesses not using Facebook ads to their advantage. It has been made clear that organic reach on Facebook is pretty much dead and in order to have your Facebook page get properly seen within News Feeds (the algorithm) you will need to apply 3 types of Facebook ads as a standard.

Keep in mind that Facebook ads need to be applied correctly in order for them to work. If you do not know how to properly create an effective Facebook ad it is recommended that you do some testing or hire a person/vendor who has the experience and expertise.

The 3 Facebook Ads you need to apply are:

  • Facebook Page Likes – This is to grow your page demographic and target your local area.
  • Facebook Page Promoted Posts – This is for posts added to your page to be seen by targeted people.
  • Clicks to Website Facebook Ads – This is a newer form of Facebook ads and is quickly becoming a standard. These ads are also known as “Dark Posts” that are not seen on your page, but instead, connected to your page when seen within News Feeds, on mobile, tablets and the right-hand side of Facebook.

Facebook Like - Getting Return Visitors

2. Return Visitors

Due to your amazing content people will likely return to your Facebook page or return to commenting, liking and sharing your content within their news feeds. Having people return to your page or its activities creates authenticity.

3. Completed Page Profile Information

Ensuring that all of your Facebook page profile information under your page settings is filled out validates the page within the algorithm.

4. Original Links

Links that have not been posted on Facebook before; this is ideal for your blog. Create original content that you can share to Facebook from your blog.

5. Repeated Actions on Similar Posts

If people are returning to your page or its activities and applying multiple social actions (like, comments, shares) on posts that are similar tells the Facebook algorithm that the content you’re posting to your page is connecting with your audience.

6. Original Videos

Sharing videos by uploading them to Facebook as opposed to sharing a link from another video sharing site is favorable within the Facebook algorithm.

You can learn more about how you can increase the likeliness of your Facebook business page being liked by the Facebook algorithm by watching Episode 20 of Get Your Social On “How to Get the Facebook Algorithm to Like You” video: