Are You Properly Targeting on Facebook?

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First, you need to know WHO you should target on Facebook prior to placing any Facebook Ads and this is where your existing search engine optimization can come in handy.

What are GEO-Targets?

You should be familiar with your GEO-Targets for Search Engine Optimization, but in the instance that you aren`t, they are locations either based on your competitors locations or your surrounding areas.

Why You Should Reuse Your SEO Geo-Targets on Facebook

A green thumbtack on a map of a city, denoting new customer geo

Why not use your existing SEO geotargets on Facebook? Of course, you want to ensure that you use the ones that are closest to your location and not solely built on your competitors market.

With that said, SEOgeotargets are perfect to use to begin targeting on Facebook and make it super simple for you to know who to target.

How Many Geotargets Should I Choose for Facebook Ads?

target-audience on Facebook

For best practices and to not have to hike up your bid within a Facebook Ad, you should choose approximately 4-5 of your geotargets besides your actual location.

Keep in mind that there is no actual additional cost to add or change targeting within a Facebook Ad, but to remember the more you do add to a Facebook Ad the more you want to consider increasing your bid since it is a bidding war.

Checking Facebook Page Insights in Addition to Facebook Ads Insights

Facebook Page Insights Targeting

Sure, it is easy to go to your Ads Manager on Facebook and have a peek at how well your Ad is performing and it will always provide valuable feedback (either good or bad), but your review of performance should not end there.

Your Facebook Page Insights are a great place to see how well targeting on Facebook is doing, not to mention a terrific spot to find other GEO-Targets that you may have left out initially. If so, and it is close to your area (no farther than a 1-hr drive), then be sure to add it to your Facebook Ads!

Targeting on Facebook should never be a guessing game and sometimes you will need to swap some GEO-Targets out as they may not perform for you as well as other might.

The most important key-factor here is to ensure that you are targeting people who can access your business physically. Make Facebook work for you or else it can feel like its useless.

If you are properly targeting on Facebook, it can quickly become your top marketing platform and your time and money will surely not be wasted.


This topic `How-To Ensure You’re Properly Targeting on Facebook!` was covered on the popular weekly webcast, Auto Dealer LIVE, which airs every Thurs. at 3:30pm EDT.

Watch it LIVE here!