Creating Holiday-Specific Inventory Posts on Social Media

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The Holiday Season is the perfect time to utilize inventory posts to your social networks, especially Facebook.

Tis’ the season to share in the joy and now as the dealer, it is your opportunity to incorporate that festiveness into posts you create for your automotive social media campaigns.

Using a VDP page from your dealership website, you can become inspired by the colors of your vehicle selection to the attitude your model portrays.

For example, you can turn a red stock image into a story about it becoming your customers personal Christmas sleigh; or how about a RAM Truck…you can use the winter days to explain just how tough it is or how it will help customers travel safely to their loved ones for the holidays!

Below is an example of a Wikimotive-powered post for the New Year.

Holiday Facebook Inventory Post

Create a Connection Between Your Inventory and the Time of Year to Boost Engagement


We always recommend creating a story that helps the potential customer feel as though they can either be a part of the story, finish the story or see themselves AS the story.

Allowing the consumer to think of something emotional or reminiscent from years of Christmas tradition provides ample opportunity for you to easily convey a story that not just one, but many can relate to as well. Be sure to keep the consumer as the main character and have your inventory post play an important role as their side kick.

Automotive shoppers are savvy and have come to appreciate the dealership more who takes time to share some creativity that catches their eye and challenges them to think. This small but important factor can be the definitive decision making for a potential buyer.

Holiday Inventory posts alongside a Facebook Ads strategy will help escalate your post within the Facebook News Feed and have more people see it, which will increase social actions and social signals for SEO towards your website with a possibility of someone purchasing the vehicle you post.

Whether you took part this year, or planning to share in the joy of Christmas through your dealership’s inventory posts, incorporating Inventory during times that are shared by the masses is crucial to your Social Media strategy, it too is beneficial not only to your customers but to your dealership as well.

Check out Erin and Amanda Ryan talking and providing examples on how to “Turn Dealership Posts into Holiday Magic” on the Auto Dealer LIVE segment, Get Your Social On!