Facebook Alters Page Likes Count, Improves Audience Data

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Facebook is making even more changes to better the quality of Facebook pages by cleaning up page likes and improving audience data.

Facebook has been making a lot of changes as of late by disapproving of overly promotional posts and adding a relevance score to improve Facebook Ads in news feeds.

This time around Facebook is improving your business’s Facebook page likes. What this means is that Facebook is removing voluntary deactivated Facebook profiles and memorialized Facebook accounts.

Thus, creating more meaningful page likes for your Facebook page.

How is Lowering my Facebook Page Likes Increasing Quality?

Facebook Decrease Page Likes

Once upon a time, the higher the number of people who “liked” your page meant that the more popular you were–creating a perception that you were trustworthy.

As social media has grown, the importance of numbers have decreased, as emphasis has been placed on quality of content and in return creating content for people who are meaningful to your brand.

Who has time to waste?

Facebook Page Likes Decreased

No one. In this fast paced, real-time digital world we are living in we need to be as efficient and effective as we can be to convey our message to the appropriate people. If you are not, you are wasting time.

And we all know, time is money.

Therefore, there is no need to freak out over the loss of page likes as they mean nothing to you at the present time anyhow, instead, they are literally just numbers.

If you have 1000 people who have “liked” your page but 500 of them are active on Facebook than you really should only have 500 people who have “liked” your page.

There is no need to be concerned as Facebook cleans house just in time for Spring, instead, this saves you time and helps improve your page to ensure that your Facebook page likes continue to be meaningful.


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