Which Facebook Ads Provide Tangible ROI for Dealerships?

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Love them or hate them, Facebook Ads have become a standard aspect of Facebook marketing.

Since organic reach on Facebook is pretty much dead, the only true way to reach an audience of any value to your Facebook Page is to apply Facebook Ads, but which ones truly work?

There are 3 types of Facebook Ads that should be integrated into your Facebook marketing so you can measure success of the page, its posts and advertisements; yes there is a way to advertise on Facebook that is seen on its platform rather than your page.

Facebook Page Likes Ads

The first type of Facebook Ad that needs to be applied on your page is Facebook Page Likes Ads. This is to help build your page to target the appropriate audience you want to accumulate and create a demographic that is based upon your local area.

Pro Tip:

Prior to adding Facebook Page Likes, be sure you are adding it to a page that has never bought likes. If so, you will want to delete that page and start anew. You can inform the people of the page to join your Dealership on your new Facebook page and provide an end date of when the page will be deleted.

Whether you are creating a new Facebook page or using an existing one, be sure to add quality posts that are visually appealing prior to applying Facebook Page Like Ads. Find images that are related to the vehicles you sell that are of high quality and post one per day. Add as many images to the page until the images you posted are above the fold.

Where’s the ROI in Facebook Page Like Ads?

You will target people who are in your area and can easily walk into your dealership to purchase a vehicle.

Facebook Post Engagement Ads

Facebook Page Engagement Ads

Facebook Post Engagement Ads are also known as “Promoted Posts” or “Boost Post” however, they are not created from the page. Instead, they are created within the Facebook Ads Manager tool, which we talk further about within the video below.

These Ads need to be manually promoted as Facebook does not have Facebook Post Engagement Ads running continuously.

Their intention is for your high-quality shared posts of Industry and Local related posts to be seen within News Feeds that target your local audience.

Pro Tip:

Do not post content every day to your Facebook page once you have Facebook Page Engagement Ads applied as you will cut into your ad spend. These ads typically run for 3 days. You need to watch how well your post is performing and change the post if it is not doing well. Ideally, you want to add in socially written Inventory and blog posts.

Where’s the ROI in Facebook Post Engagement Ads?

You will have your posts reach people who are within your local area and interested in the vehicles you sell. When sharing a blog article or VDP within a Facebook post you are increasing brand awareness, potential leads, web traffic and social signals for SEO.

Facebook Clicks to Website Ads

Facebook Clicks to Website Ad

Facebook Clicks to Website Ads are also known as “Dark Posts” as they do not appear on your Facebook page but instead elsewhere on the Facebook platform such as the News Feed and within ads on the right-hand side of people’s News Feed.

With these Ads you can choose a link from your website to be shared as an ad and choose a call-to-action button, such as “Learn More” to “Sign Up” etc.

Pro Tip:

Use a VDP URL of a vehicle to create the ad and always write socially acceptable text to compliment the high-quality images of the vehicle you shared. Use actual images of the vehicles opposed to stock photos.

Where’s the ROI in Facebook Clicks to Website Ads?

You will be able to see the results within Analytics fairly quick. Facebook rapidly displays as a top referrer soon after Facebook Clicks to Website Ads are initiated. This means you can have your Facebook audience turn into potential leads and customers.

No one is saying that applying Facebook Ads to your Marketing strategy is easy; it does take time and skill to be able to execute them correctly but there is measurable ROI that is provided opposed to other social networks, not to mention, Facebook Ads are extremely affordable.

Learn more about Facebook Ads within the short video below from the Auto Dealer LIVE segment, Get Your Social On.