Why Dealerships Need to Use Facebook’s Internal Scheduler

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There are many third party apps available for scheduling to social media, however, when it comes to Facebook, you should be scheduling your posts using the site’s internal scheduling tool for best Facebook marketing practices.

Facebook has a sensitive algorithm, and due to its sensitivity, it tends to perform at its best when posts are shared organically. This means that you tend to gain better reach when you post directly on Facebook. (This along with Facebook Ads.)

Keep in mind that Facebook has never stated this to be a fact, and this is not dismissed to being only true to the way Facebook “used” to be. If you were to create your own study, it will easily reveal itself to show you that your reach will go further when your post is organic to the site.

Facebook has made this true with its types of content as well, when it comes to sharing video, it is best to do so directly on Facebook instead of a link to a video site.

With that said, this isn’t because Facebook dislikes other sites, but instead, it is only natural for a site to want you to use its own features and the Facebook scheduler is certainly one of them.

If you are currently using a third-party app and are seeing poor results returned on your posts, we highly recommend changing the way you schedule without losing the ability to save time. That is the point right?

Facebook Post Schedule

Scheduling your posts from Facebook will help to extend your reach. You can also edit, reschedule to a different date or post now from the Facebook scheduler.

If you have multiple people handling your Facebook page, it is also ideal to use the Facebook scheduler, as it will display who posted on behalf of your dealership so you can stay informed on who posted what and when.

Third-party apps are great on many levels when it comes to posting and responding quickly and easily to one or various social media accounts. However, the Facebook scheduler is your best bet for scheduling the posts that will appear on your business’s page.

It’s also recommended that you utilize the different types of  Facebook Ads, such as Page Likes, Engagement Posts, and Clicks to Website Ads, to compliment the use of the internal scheduler. This is because Facebook has increasingly made it more difficult for pages to reach an audience organically.

The moral of the story is: Having success on Facebook is by combining its feature for best results.


Amanda and I discussed the topic of using Facebook’s internal scheduling tool during our Auto Dealer Live segment, Get Your Social On.