Fight Digital Cart Abandonment (Infographic)

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
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We have covered how important landing pages are time and time again. If you’re involved in any sort of website marketing, you know the power of landing pages, and how simple tweaks can make the different between conversion and abandonment. These same landing page techniques can also be applied to your online store to prevent people from abandoning not just the page, but their digital cart full of your very real goods. A simple re-optimization with affordable SEO techniques and the tips below can make the difference between selling 55% of visitors and 75% of visitors.

We have an infrographic from Conversion Voodoo that illustrates some best practices to avoid having visitors abandon their carts. It covers everything from SEO to followups and more, so we’re sure that you’ll find it valuable. Take a look and let us know what you think!


Online Shopping SEO

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