Category: SEO Infographics

Infographic: 10 Reasons You Need SEO to Gain More Business

Infographic: 10 Reasons You Need SEO to Gain More Business

Every business owner knows how important marketing is to success, but the focus has always been on reaching large audiences in hopes of finding people who are in need of what a business has to offer. With the internet and search engines, however, it became a lot easier for people to seek businesses out than ever before. But the internet […]

The Noob Guide to Online Marketing (Infographic)

We share a lot of infographics here at Wikimotive, but the one we have today is one of our favorites ever. It’s not especially pretty, but infographics aren’t just about being flashy. In fact, that’s a big problem with a lot of the infographics I see these days. They use up all of their energy trying to be fancy and […]

The On Page SEO Infographic for all SEO Beginners

You hear search engine optimization being described as an iceberg sometimes, with the on page elements as the tip and then the rest of the business underneath the surface. Honestly, it’s a good way  to illustrate the trade, because there is so much more to it than you see on the surface, but it’s also easy too get too caught […]

Goldilocks and SEO

SEO is a game of increments. If you take any one technique to the extreme, you can ruin the effectiveness. Not just the effectiveness of that one technique either, but your entire campaign. You need to play it smart and move slowly, accepting that—while their are certain aspects of SEO you can move fast and loud on—the majority of quality […]

Surviving the Not Provided Apocalypse (Infographic)

We’ve written here a few times recently about the [not provided] epidemic at Google and what it means for SEO, but the hits just keep on coming. We’re still getting emails to this day asking what the not provided (I’m not writing the stupid brackets every time) means for SEO and digital marketing, and our default response has sort of […]

The Ten Commandments of SEO (Infographic)

The Ten Commandments of SEO (Infographic)

SEO isn’t a religion, but it’s definitely pretty close. You have to dedicate yourself to it to succeed, you have leaders and idols, and you have a mysterious entity that deals out rewards and punishments due to only their own strange whims (that’s a shot at Google, not God…don’t write me). Much like religion, SEO has written rules and unwritten […]

10 Ways to Convert Customers (Infographic)

There are a lot of ways to convert your customers. You can use great landing pages, you can use stellar design, you can use deals or coupon codes, but have you ever thought about using psychology as part of your conversion strategy? The human brain is one of the most interesting machines ever created, and if you know how, it […]

Increase Traffic with SEO in 2013 (Infographic)

Increasing traffic is the high-level goal of pretty much every website. Whether you’re there to entertain, sell, or teach, more eyes on the page is the paramount objective. SEO is a great tool for building up your traffic, but really, SEO is a pretty big term that includes a lot of little things. Writing content can be a part of […]

Zombies! Zombies Everywhere!

We know that search engine optimization moves pretty fast, and it definitely moves faster than zombies. To be clear, I’m talking about the traditional Romero Night of the Living Dead zombies here, not those sprinters from newer movies (so unrealistic!) Still, every day, more and more people are letting themselves get turned into SEO zombies, overtaken by old techniques and […]