Category: SEO

Content related to Search Engine Optimization, SEO, and how it can be used for your business.

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

If you run a car dealership, it can be tempting to think that having a big marketing budget and paying for lots of television and radio advertisements means you’re covering all your bases. But if there’s one thing that automotive marketing companies know, it’s that any modern marketing approach would be woefully incomplete without accounting for the influence of search […]

The Assassination of User Location Data | By the Cowardly Apple iOS

The Assassination of User Location Data | By the Cowardly Apple iOS

Google Analytics Now Misreporting Location for iOS Users 2023 Update at the end. Brace yourself. This is the biggest change to the usefulness of Google Analytics acquisition data, in almost a decade. The last time we lost this much visibility in Google Analytics was when Google themselves started obfuscating keyword data for organic users. Over a few-year period, we went […]

‘Learn Inbound’ Presentation

‘Learn Inbound’ Presentation

Welcome back to Tactical Tuesdays with Wiki. This week’s video is a long one again, because I’m sharing my presentation from the Learn Inbound conference… It’s about 38 minutes long, so make sure you’ve got time to watch and absorb all the awesomeness. If you don’t have time now, no worries – it’ll be here waiting for you whenever you’re […]

GMB ‘Questions & Answers’ Feature

GMB ‘Questions & Answers’ Feature

Welcome back to Tactical Tuesdays with Wiki. This week we’re talking about a recent update to the Google My Business Questions and Answers feature. For the ‘noobs’, if you don’t know what the Questions and Answers feature is, it’s a new element that was added to the Google My Business profiles about a year ago. It’s a community discussion feature, […]

Navigating SEO: 4 Problems Still Plaguing Dealer Websites

Your website is the most important part of your digital marketing strategy. Even with a large budget, you could fail to achieve results if you’re lacking the foundation necessary to convert visitors into leads and sales. In this week’s Navigating SEO column, I’ll detail a few of the problems that still plague dealer websites years after being pointed out and […]

Navigating SEO: 3 Ways to Improve Your Dealership’s Keyword Research

Do you feel like you’re getting nowhere with SEO? It’s tough to pinpoint the exact reason you’re not seeing results, but there are ways you can improve your process to push through and start seeing green numbers. Keyword research is one of the smallest things you can improve upon; however, it can make the difference between successful and unsuccessful car […]

Navigating SEO: 3 SEO Content Tips to Boost Traffic and Conversions

In 2016, every business wants to use content to get more traffic to their website. From there, they want to better convert those users to boost client sign-ups or sales. But none of that comes without understanding some fundamental facts about SEO and how to create better content. To give you a leg up on your competition, I’m going to […]

Navigating SEO: How to Be Realistic with SEO Expectations

SEO and realistic expectations don’t go well together. On both sides of the aisle, there are issues that harm the digital marketing campaigns of businesses across the country and cause doubts about SEO as a viable and ROI-driven service. The problem starts with SEO vendors. For years now, the focus has been on achieving “#1 rankings” and “dominating” specific markets. […]

Navigating SEO: Beginner’s Guide to Search Intent

As Google releases more and more updates, the search engine becomes capable of understanding intent behind different search queries at an advanced level. This leads to an increased need for online marketers to review their SEO strategy to ensure it aligns with Google’s constant updates. The most important thing you can do right here and right now, however, is to […]

Navigating SEO – Creating Value: It’s What SEO is All About

If you follow the SEO industry, you’ll know that there’s a constant debate about whether or not the practice is really “SEO” (search engine optimization) anymore. Because for the most part, it’s not. Sure we still do on-page optimization that helps create search-friendly pages, but that’s only one small part of what most SEO companies provide moving into 2016. Instead, most […]

How to Audit Your Competitors’ SEO in 30 Minutes or Less

SEO is all about self-improvement. If you’ve ever delved into the world of self-improvement, then you know that the only person that can help or hurt you is yourself. That same principal applies to SEO, as you (site/business owner) are ultimately in charge of your own success and failure. You can choose to take action and better your site’s SEO, […]

Google RankBrain: 5 Facts SEOs Need to Know

As an SEO, I’ve grown accustomed to frequent news about updates and other changes made to Google’s algorithm. But today’s news from the world’s leading search engine took me for a loop. Here at Wikimotive, the idea of machine learning and AI as a part of future search results has been something we thought of as semi-futuristic. We knew Google was […]

The 5 Rules of Great Content for 2016

The web revolves around content. A lot of content. According to Internet Live Stats, there are currently around 200 million active websites. That’s not individual pages, but actual unique websites that can contain millions of pages of their own. Standing out from the crowd is a lot more difficult than it used to be, but not impossible. Using the information […]