Category: Automotive Digital Marketing

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

If you run a car dealership, it can be tempting to think that having a big marketing budget and paying for lots of television and radio advertisements means you’re covering all your bases. But if there’s one thing that automotive marketing companies know, it’s that any modern marketing approach would be woefully incomplete without accounting for the influence of search […]

5 Actionable Tips for Car Dealers

5 Actionable Tips for Car Dealers

On this week’s episode of ‘Just the Tip’ I had introduced some of the aspects of Technical SEO that we’ll be exploring in future episodes. But with so much going on in the world right now, we wanted to follow up with something a little more specific, and a little more helpful for our friends in the automotive space. So […]

4 Things to Keep in Mind With Your Social Media Marketing (and 4 Ways to Set Yourself Apart)

4 Things to Keep in Mind With Your Social Media Marketing (and 4 Ways to Set Yourself Apart)

You don’t have to be a digital marketer to recognize the fact that social media, in all forms, presents an opportunity. Every social media user, regardless of platform used, opens themselves to the possibility of being marketed to. Then again, every social media user also gains the opportunity to become a marketer themselves. In terms of both images and text, […]

Is Your Online Presence Driving Customers TO You (or FROM You?)

Is Your Online Presence Driving Customers TO You (or FROM You?)

The core of any successful business, regardless of its size or the industry it’s found within, comes in the patronage of its clientele. Some businesses thrive upon a large volume of one-time purchases, while others are reliant upon incremental repeat business. Years ago, the difference depended simply upon (i) the quality of product and/or service offered (ii) the demand for […]

Making Your Automotive Marketing Worth a Million Words

Making Your Automotive Marketing Worth a Million Words

If seeking a real-world example of ‘necessary evil’, one could argue that ‘Marketing’ is a near-perfect choice. A crucial component of any business’s continued success, a well-realized and multi-tiered marketing initiative should be designed to communicate any (and all) messages, to any (and all) demographics, using the most effective platform for each. Just last month, we were discussing some perspectives […]

Without a Multi-Platform Strategy Your Dealership Will Fail. Here’s Why

Without a Multi-Platform Strategy Your Dealership Will Fail. Here’s Why

In the ever-changing automotive world, we are faced with the constant evolution of both expectations and demands in all forms of commerce. And while we can adapt accordingly, the expectation of any business to straddle the various generational gaps makes it necessary to adjust our business model and marketing initiatives to operate on a number of levels. And by diversifying […]

Automotive Marketing In Today’s Industry

Automotive Marketing In Today’s Industry

Within today’s automotive industry, a dealership’s success is no longer solely dependent on a well-realized business model, or in the creation and maintenance of a customer-centric culture. While both remain crucial components, a dealership needs to embrace the important role that online marketing plays in ensuring its continued longevity.   Website Design Successful online marketing is more than just a […]

Is Corrupting Your Data?

Sep 22, 8:24AM, UPDATE: James Grace has contacted Wikimotive and shared findings with us: “We’ve tracked down the source of this issue to a 3rd Party Integration with that was active on approximately 16% of our sites.  Edmunds pushed tracking code to these sites that was causing the Google session-ID to be overwritten with every “event” on the website, […]

How to Create Engaging Content by Repurposing Boring Content

Boring content is typically the type of content created to strictly inform consumers about your product, explain a position, or simply sell. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with boring content. Its purpose is pretty simple: convert visitors into leads and provide quick/simple information. A couple of good examples would be landing pages and about pages. You can make these fun and […]

7 Online Tools Automotive Marketers Need to Use

Whether you work at a digital marketing company or in-house at a local dealership, the right tools make an automotive marketer‘s job much, much easier. From automating small, tedious content and social media tasks to organizing complicated SEO campaigns, these are the tools every digital marketer should have in their tool belt to save time and get better results.

What Third-Party Listing Sites Think of Dealerships

Third-party lead providers have built multi-billion dollar empires by providing valuable services to customers. These companies, including, Car Fax, TrueCar, and Edmunds all provide tools that an individual dealership can’t possibly hope to provide consumers, for both technological and competitive reasons. But these services are also built on the backs of dealerships, on which they rely on for content […]

Getting to Know the Major Google Search Updates

Over the past few years, Google has updated its search algorithm with a few major updates to crack down on spam, black hat SEO techniques, and other forms of manipulation. These updates have been widely covered by search engine blogs and now each small update is covered in detail so SEO professionals can stay on top of the latest changes […]

The 4 Most Important Facebook Marketing Tips for Beginners

Social media has taken over the web and changed the way many of us think about communication and marketing. But if you’re new to social media marketing, understanding how to implement strategies, gain followers, and help your business is a lot more difficult than simply interacting with friends and family. The following tips will give you a quick perspective on […]

5 Mistakes to Avoid When You’re New to Digital Marketing

There are many mistakes companies and marketers alike make when breaking into digital marketing. Whether we’re talking about automotive SEO, PPC, or social media, you have to understand the fundamentals of each type of marketing strategy before you can truly create successful campaigns. If your business is looking to invest time and money into a new digital marketing strategy, in […]

Website Providers are Destroying Dealerships and No One Seems to Care

Dealers, there’s something fishy going on with the major automotive website providers. Problems that affect search results are popping up left and right, but no one is willing to accept responsibility and fix the issues. Instead, there’s a brick wall of “Aw shucks, that’s the way things are. Guess you’ll have to deal with it.” And I know what you’re […]

Wikimotive’s Erin Ryan Talks Automotive Social Media Campaigns on MarketPunch Podcast

After getting word of an incredible social media campaign called #CatMode, run by Jason Stum of LaFontaine Automotive Group, Wikimotive’s Erin Ryan jumped into action and sparked up conversation with Jason around automotive social media. One thing led to another and she ended up being honored with a guest spot on Stum’s automotive marketing podcast, MarketPunch.

Wikimotive’s Erin Ryan Talks Social Media on Auto Dealer Live

Wikimotive’s Erin Ryan Talks Social Media on Auto Dealer Live

Part of being a great digital marketing company is participating in the various communities based around online business and social media. For Wikimotive, our favorite community is automotive marketing, and we’re always excited to talk with other industry professionals about the latest news, and give insight into how we add value to car dealers across the country. Our own Director […]

3 Valuable Things I Learned About Automotive Social Media in 3 Days

Last week, I started working for Wikimotive as a social media rep. It’s my job to maintain a dealer’s social media presence by creating great content that gets users interacting, and maintain that interaction in order to build a connection. The automotive industry is new to me; my social media experience up to this point has been general content marketing, […]

How Social Media Helps Small Business Grow (Infographic)

Social media isn’t just for established businesses. I want to be very clear about this because it is a misconception that I run into all the time. People start a social media page, and that big fat ZERO in the fans/followers/whatever spot just feels insurmountable. Small business owners need to understand that the zero IS surmountable, but more than that, […]