Category: Google

Conversions vs False Conversions in GA4

Conversions vs False Conversions in GA4

As you develop a marketing strategy, it is imperative that you periodically look at your data, determine your success stories, and find places where your efforts could use improvement. It has been six months since the implementation of GA4, and you and your team may have noticed some differences in your conversions, from the type recorded to the frequency. This […]

The Assassination of User Location Data | By the Cowardly Apple iOS

The Assassination of User Location Data | By the Cowardly Apple iOS

Google Analytics Now Misreporting Location for iOS Users 2023 Update at the end. Brace yourself. This is the biggest change to the usefulness of Google Analytics acquisition data, in almost a decade. The last time we lost this much visibility in Google Analytics was when Google themselves started obfuscating keyword data for organic users. Over a few-year period, we went […]

Explaining ‘Quality Content’ Once and For All

The phrase “quality content” has become somewhat of a joke within the SEO and digital marketing community. It’s used so often when giving SEO advice–typically without further detail or actionable instructions–that there’s no way for a non-SEO to truly grasp the meaning behind it. But that all changes today! I want to give you my explanation of quality content to […]

Getting to Know the Major Google Search Updates

Over the past few years, Google has updated its search algorithm with a few major updates to crack down on spam, black hat SEO techniques, and other forms of manipulation. These updates have been widely covered by search engine blogs and now each small update is covered in detail so SEO professionals can stay on top of the latest changes […]

Website Providers are Destroying Dealerships and No One Seems to Care

Dealers, there’s something fishy going on with the major automotive website providers. Problems that affect search results are popping up left and right, but no one is willing to accept responsibility and fix the issues. Instead, there’s a brick wall of “Aw shucks, that’s the way things are. Guess you’ll have to deal with it.” And I know what you’re […]

3 Important Tips on Writing for the Web

As an editor, I often deal with new writers who have little to no experience writing outside of school essays, email, and social media updates. I get a lot of tightly-worded paragraphs and over-the-top word choices in many of the examples from these writers. It’s great to know they’ll take the job seriously enough to put in essay-quality effort, but […]

How to Use Guest Blogging in 2014

In January, we told you that guest blogging is a bad idea, and for the most part that is very true. The practice has evolved into a tactic used by spammers to gain links for specific keywords and becomes less and less associated with relevant blogger-to-blogger relations. This information was recently passed down by Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam […]

How to Get Your Local Business Online

If you’ve recently started a business in your community, you’re probably thinking of traditional marketing strategies to help get the word out and develop a customer base. This could include emailing the local paper for coverage, buying billboard space, sponsoring events, or simply networking with other businesses and local professionals. But the most important factor you’re likely overlooking is your […]

Google Page Layout Algorithm Refresh

Have your rankings been a little tumultuous lately? We here at Wikimotive pay very close attention to the minute fluctuations rankings can take on even a day to day timeline, and this past week has been especially puzzling. Well, it was puzzling anyway, until an announcement from Matt Cutts today shed some light on the search engine optimization roller coaster.

Grammar in Comments

It’s time for another riveting installment of Google Webmaster Help Videos featuring the always friendly and rarely illuminating Matt Cutts. In this weeks episode of the popular Google series for webmasters and SEOs, Matt Answers the following question: Should I correct the grammar on comments to my WordPress blog? Should I not approve comments with poor grammar? Will approving comments […]

Google Promises to Reduce Fake YouTube Views

 We have spoken of YouTube videos on this blog a few times in the past week, and today will be another link in the chain. Google is really focusing on their video platform these days, and it’s clear they want to drive more advertisers (and more advertiser dollars) there. They’ve expanded the offering, changed the comments to Google+ where people […]

Google Brings Big Video Results

Google is always changing, we say that darn near every day on this blog. The thing is, usually those changes are so small, or so buried on the backend of the whole shebang that the world at large doesn’t notice. It’s not often they bust out the big, forward facing guns (the carousel being the last example I can think […]

Google Buys DeepMind

Sometimes it feels like Google is omnipotent, doesn’t it? With their huge percentage of the search engine share, they ARE omnipotent in a way. They scan the entire web, handing out rewards and brutal punishments alike, but they have always had a weakness: limited man power and an always imperfect algorithm. Sure, the algorithms get better every year, but the […]

Google Fights Bad Ads

Google is constantly battling back the tide of shoddy ads and outright scams being posted as ads on their network every hour of every day. According to Google itself, they pulled over 350 million bad ads from their service in 2013, a significant amount more than the 224 million they pulled down in 2012. Are more bad ads being uploaded? […]

Authority Boost by Niche

There’s an interesting development brewing in the world of SEO. Of course by this point you’ve heard about Authorship (that’s with a capital A thank you very much) and exactly what it means to Google, but it turns out it is going to go deeper than just slapping your name onto posts. Authorship is going to tie in with PageRank […]

Duplicate Content Normal…What This Means and Doesn’t Mean

Duplicate content is bad, right? We’ve preached that here at Wikimotive for years now and pretty much every search engine optimization company in existence has been saying the same thing. Well, this week Matt Cutts has released a new video in the Google Webmaster series that addresses duplicate content in a new way, and it’s actually a pretty interesting take. According […]