Category: small business SEO

5 Simple Link Building Strategies for Small Businesses

When someone new to digital marketing reads about link building strategies, it’s likely a confusing and stressful experience. The reason is, most people try to complicate the process to sell services by convincing you there’s something proprietary about their methods. Now, most businesses should consider SEO or link building services if they want to get results, but the cost is […]

5 Digital Marketing Flaws You Can Easily Fix in 2015

To be completely honest, not much changes for digital marketing in the New Year. Businesses that are on top of their game make valuable changes throughout the year, and those that don’t tend to always be left behind. This year is no different. If you happen to be one of the businesses left behind by an everchanging digital marketing landscape, […]

Why Your Business Should Focus More on Long Tail Keywords

When business owners think of SEO, they most likely think of ranking #1 for the most obvious search terms in their area. And while those are arguably the most high-value single targets for your SEO efforts, these terms, such as “[SERVICE] in [CITY],” are also the most competitive. Because of this, businesses should explore options for long tail keywords when […]

How to Get Your Local Business Online

If you’ve recently started a business in your community, you’re probably thinking of traditional marketing strategies to help get the word out and develop a customer base. This could include emailing the local paper for coverage, buying billboard space, sponsoring events, or simply networking with other businesses and local professionals. But the most important factor you’re likely overlooking is your […]

Long Tail SEO Infographic

Long tail keywords are becoming a very integral part of small business SEO. Essentially, long tail keywords are longer (duh!) and more specific keywords. These keywords are less common than short keywords individually, but when taken as a whole, they account for the majority of searches and search-driven traffic. There are a few large benefits to long tail keywords, and they […]