Category: Content Marketing

Navigating SEO: How to Focus Your Business Content Efforts

Content Marketing is one of the fastest growing forms of digital marketing employed by businesses in 2015. Where traditional advertising (even online) has its limits, content marketing’s only limit is your business’s creativity. But with all sorts of options out there for creating content, where do begin? In this post, I’ll give you a quick guide to help you focus […]

The 5 Rules of Great Content for 2016

The web revolves around content. A lot of content. According to Internet Live Stats, there are currently around 200 million active websites. That’s not individual pages, but actual unique websites that can contain millions of pages of their own. Standing out from the crowd is a lot more difficult than it used to be, but not impossible. Using the information […]

Viral Content: 5 Truths You Need to Know

Viral content has been the subject of constant attention. Business, marketers, and the media are fascinated by videos and other types of content that spread like wildfire and generate attention (and business) for the creators. And while viral content sounds great when thinking only about the success, you also need to understand the pitfalls. It’s easy to get caught up […]

Blogging for Business: How to Get Started

Blogging for business is by no means a new phenomenon. It’s been talked about for years now, and I’m sure most of you reading this have tried blogging, whether in your free time or for a business. But while the craze around blogging has died down as it becomes more acceptable, there are still plenty of people out there skeptical […]

Explaining ‘Quality Content’ Once and For All

The phrase “quality content” has become somewhat of a joke within the SEO and digital marketing community. It’s used so often when giving SEO advice–typically without further detail or actionable instructions–that there’s no way for a non-SEO to truly grasp the meaning behind it. But that all changes today! I want to give you my explanation of quality content to […]

How to Create Better Content in Less Time

One of the problems most individuals and businesses face with content production is the amount of time it takes to create great content. Whether you’re a nutritionist trying to build an incredible blog, or a car dealer that wants to improve your automotive SEO, content takes a lot of time and it can oftentimes feel like there’s never enough of […]

Periodic Table of SEO: In-Depth Content Guide

While SEO is a simple practice once you learn the basics (and begin implementing strategies and techniques), it’s often intimidating to beginners and those who don’t specialize in digital marketing. In order to help more and more people learn about SEO in a simple and organized fashion, Search Engine Land created the “Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors.” At a […]

5-Step Guide to Generating Great Content Ideas

For many SEOs, content marketers, and writers, generating ideas for content is one of the most difficult tasks to perform, especially as a beginner. But whether you’re just getting started or simply struggling with a business SEO strategy, this five-step guide will help you shape how you generate ideas and help you focus on your goal of creating the absolute […]

How to Create Compelling Content for ANY Topic

When it comes to content marketing, there are topics that are thought of as easy to promote and others that are harder to promote. Smartphones are an example of a topic that might be thought of as easy to promote while pest control is on the harder end of the spectrum. So if you’re forced to work on a topic […]

Infographic: 10 Reasons You Need SEO to Gain More Business

Infographic: 10 Reasons You Need SEO to Gain More Business

Every business owner knows how important marketing is to success, but the focus has always been on reaching large audiences in hopes of finding people who are in need of what a business has to offer. With the internet and search engines, however, it became a lot easier for people to seek businesses out than ever before. But the internet […]

5 Foolproof Ways to Instantly Create Better Content

Whether you work as a copywriter, a blogger, an SEO, or a content marketer, we all want our content to be better. No one in this business should ever be satisfied with their work, and if you think you’ll be the first then you’re dead wrong. So with a healthy dose of respect for the fact that perfection is unobtainable, […]

5 Digital Marketing Flaws You Can Easily Fix in 2015

To be completely honest, not much changes for digital marketing in the New Year. Businesses that are on top of their game make valuable changes throughout the year, and those that don’t tend to always be left behind. This year is no different. If you happen to be one of the businesses left behind by an everchanging digital marketing landscape, […]

Your Content Will Suck at First, and That’s OK

Creating amazing content sounds so simple if you listen to all of the experts. “Quality over quantity,” they say. “Create value,” they say. And the don’t forget the always-popular “Content is king!” Here at Wikimotive, we’ve been guilty of giving this broad advice on occasion. It’s easy for us to say that as an automotive SEO company, but what about […]

Why Your Business Should Focus More on Long Tail Keywords

When business owners think of SEO, they most likely think of ranking #1 for the most obvious search terms in their area. And while those are arguably the most high-value single targets for your SEO efforts, these terms, such as “[SERVICE] in [CITY],” are also the most competitive. Because of this, businesses should explore options for long tail keywords when […]

4 Bad SEO Practices Your Business Needs to Destroy by 2015

One of the most amazing things about SEO is that it’s always changing. Not only does that keep digital marketing companies like Wikimotive on our toes, it ensures those who are doing the best work achieve bigger and better results as time goes on. Now, your average small business does not have the time or resources to dedicate to SEO […]

Getting to Know the Major Google Search Updates

Over the past few years, Google has updated its search algorithm with a few major updates to crack down on spam, black hat SEO techniques, and other forms of manipulation. These updates have been widely covered by search engine blogs and now each small update is covered in detail so SEO professionals can stay on top of the latest changes […]

What You Need to Know About Google’s E-A-T Evaluation System

In the latest addition of Google’s human search rater guidebook, the company introduced a new page rating concept used to manually rate the quality of a website and its pages. The practice of using human search raters is a crucial part of the way Google updates its search algorithm. Because as with any experiment, you want to test your theory. […]

5 Types of Content Your Dealership Needs to Create

One of the most popular sayings  amongst internet marketers is “Content is king.” We all know this is true, but make sure you’re not just talking the talk and writing exclusively for search engines. Because while that used to be a worthwhile strategy, the key to outranking your competition now isn’t through optimization, it’s through content marketing. In 2014, people […]

11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales

11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales

Pinterest has been grabbing the attention of your customers since it first launched in March 2010. Since that time, its growth has continued, reaching 70 million users in July 2013. This visual discovery tool is a force to be reckoned with, and your customers are the ones using this site. This begs the question: Is your business pinning to Pinterest? Pinterest […]

#CatMode: LaFontaine Automotive Group Turns Cars into Adoptable Cats for April Fools’ Day

#CatMode: LaFontaine Automotive Group Turns Cars into Adoptable Cats for April Fools’ Day

While the entire Internet is buzzing today with April Fools jokes and gags, there is one dealership that is putting today’s fun to good use. The LaFontaine Automotive Group decided to take part in the day by turning their inventory images into pictures of cats. Not only is this a great idea since the Internet LOVES cats, but they too […]