Category: Copywriting

Explaining ‘Quality Content’ Once and For All

The phrase “quality content” has become somewhat of a joke within the SEO and digital marketing community. It’s used so often when giving SEO advice–typically without further detail or actionable instructions–that there’s no way for a non-SEO to truly grasp the meaning behind it. But that all changes today! I want to give you my explanation of quality content to […]

5 Foolproof Ways to Instantly Create Better Content

Whether you work as a copywriter, a blogger, an SEO, or a content marketer, we all want our content to be better. No one in this business should ever be satisfied with their work, and if you think you’ll be the first then you’re dead wrong. So with a healthy dose of respect for the fact that perfection is unobtainable, […]

What You Need to Know About Google’s E-A-T Evaluation System

In the latest addition of Google’s human search rater guidebook, the company introduced a new page rating concept used to manually rate the quality of a website and its pages. The practice of using human search raters is a crucial part of the way Google updates its search algorithm. Because as with any experiment, you want to test your theory. […]

National Novel Writing Month — Write a Business Book

They say that everyone has a book somewhere inside them, and no, they aren’t talking about crazy nights at the library with your frat. A better way to put it is that everyone has something to share with the world. In some cases, it’s a detective crime thriller or a post-apocalyptic science fiction story. Those are great, but they aren’t […]

Watch Your Language: Novel Advice

Once upon a time, writers were a rare breed, seldom seen by the world at large. They sat in their basements, scribbling mad words by candlelight and muttering to themselves about deadlines. They’d turn their advances into golden Irish spirits and use that strange fuel to power through the endings of their crazed manifestos. Unfortunately, that kind of behavior is […]

Don’t Plagiarize (and Double Check!)

In today’s digital marketing world, content is king, but not everyone has the time to be creating content (or so they claim). As a result, they turn to plagiarizing content from other sources on the web to fulfill their own site’s content needs. Not only is this immoral and just a lousy thing to do, it’s also ultimately bad for […]

Simple Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is content that is always useful. In the digital marketing world, it’s not uncommon for even great advice to be outdated after a few months. Heck, with SEO and social media, it’s not unheard of that good advice is outdated in just a couple weeks. If you don’t want all of your content to become obsolete (even though […]

A Quote for the Beginners

Here at Wikimotive, we have a backlog of content that goes back years. We have multiple ebooks and podcasts and infographics, and we have material published all over the web. We get emails all the time from people, intelligent people, who want to get into the game but don’t know where to start. They see the volume and the quality […]

Fatten Up Your Content

There seems to be a new epidemic going around peoples’ Google Webmaster Tools: the thin content warning. It’s not an especially surprising trend. Content is the new sheriff in town, so everyone is rushing to get as much of it as they possibly can. The problem is that they aren’t thinking about what “content” really means. It isn’t about populating […]

Watch Your Language: The Science of Simple

Today I want to talk about a writing gimmick that I think we’ve all been guilty of at one time or another: using complex words to try and sound a little more intelligent. It’s a tempting thing to do, isn’t it? You sit there, reading over your simple prose, and your thoughts turn to the performance enhancing drug of the […]

Be an Artist, Not an Intellectual

This post is for everyone out there who is blogging for business or as part of a Company SEO strategy. When you give advice, are you being an artist, or an intellectual? What’s the difference? Well, as the beautiful image above states: An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple […]

This Guy Sucks: A Magic Moment

When it comes to wannabe-writers and reading, Stephen King tells us there is a magic moment, and this is true (even for SEO writers). There is a single intoxicating instant that only readers are privy to, and it comes when you lay down the book, shake your head with wonder, and mutter: “This guy SUCKS. I Can write better than […]

Writing Reddit

In a world where content is next to cleanliness (and cleanliness is in fairly close proximity to godliness) it’s fallen on a lot of digital marketers to start writing. For some of us, this hasn’t been much of a chore. We delight in putting our thoughts down on the page and sending them out for (a very, very small portion […]

The “Go Viral Today!” Myth

Are you looking to go viral today? Do you want the magic formula, the secret spell, that alchemical reaction that will transform your tired old content into a vibrant viral rocket, blasting into the social-sphere of your target audience and sending them over the moon with purchasing-joy? Well…too bad. Buck up buttercup, because contrary to what many of the affordable SEO […]

Don’t Spin Me Right Round Baby

In the course of the daily research we do here at Wikimotive, we encounter a lot of the same questions over and over again. The pattern is pretty clear, everyone agrees on a subject and then Google performs another update and suddenly we have to reheat the same old gristle and see if it tastes any better this time around. […]

Content that Stands the Test of Time

How do you ensure the longevity of your Business’s SEO strategy? The only solution that is truly perdurable is producing evergreen content. If you haven’t heard that term before, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Just like evergreen trees never lose all their leaves, evergreen content never loses it’s value.