Category: Copywriting

Happy Valentine’s Day! (and Other Asinine Cliches)

Happy Valentine’s Day to all you lovers out there. How many times will you read a line like that today? If you hang out on the internet for long enough (and don’t we all) the chances are you’ll see it so often you’ll puke up some of those little candy hearts (I guess they weren’t “4 EVA” after all). Still, […]

Kill Your Darlings and Other Novel Advice

Blogging is the new writing medium for the masses. Some people lament the fact that anyone can go about publishing content for the world to see, but those people are probably the great-great-grandchildren of the guys who threw rocks at Gutenberg. I honestly believe that the more people writing, the better off we are. This is especially true for industries […]

The Degradation of Value

The great part about digital marketing is that there is no shortage of advice to be found. No matter what corner of the web you land on, people are telling you how they have cracked the Google algorithm or how they can read pagerank in their Starbucks tea leaves. The only problem is that digital marketing advice, by its very […]

Content is King, so Keep it in the Kingdom

We’ve been writing a lot about writing lately, and for a good reason. In the brave new world of content-first SEO, the ability to reliably and effectively produce unique, quality copy is becoming a valuable commodity. This can be dangerous for many marketers though, because “quality” is a subjective thing…or at least in was in the past. Today, every smart Digital […]

Quoting Without Getting Flagged For Duplicate Content

Recent Google updates have made duplicate content a bigger problem than ever before. Sites that were doing well were suddenly struck down as their content was basically the same page recycled over and over. With all the fear around duplicate content, where do quotes fit in? I mean, a quote is inherently duplicate content, but quoting has value. Any Digital Marketing […]

Should You Hire A Ghostwriter?

Itʼs pretty much a universally known fact in the industry that blogging is a vital part of any search engine optimization strategy. Everyone understands you need a blog, the trouble comes from figuring out just who exactly is going to write it. Should you handle it in-house or should you have it ghostwritten? There are ups and downs to both […]

Seven Tips For Spam-Free Email Campaigns

If your company does a lot of mass emailing as part of your automotive internet marketing strategy, it’s important that you’re careful not to fall into the “spam” category. It can be difficult to walk that line between what is acceptable and what is annoying, but it’s important that you’re able to distinguish between the two. When in doubt, you […]