Category: Blogging

Blogging for Business: How to Get Started

Blogging for business is by no means a new phenomenon. It’s been talked about for years now, and I’m sure most of you reading this have tried blogging, whether in your free time or for a business. But while the craze around blogging has died down as it becomes more acceptable, there are still plenty of people out there skeptical […]

How to Create Compelling Content for ANY Topic

When it comes to content marketing, there are topics that are thought of as easy to promote and others that are harder to promote. Smartphones are an example of a topic that might be thought of as easy to promote while pest control is on the harder end of the spectrum. So if you’re forced to work on a topic […]

5 Foolproof Ways to Instantly Create Better Content

Whether you work as a copywriter, a blogger, an SEO, or a content marketer, we all want our content to be better. No one in this business should ever be satisfied with their work, and if you think you’ll be the first then you’re dead wrong. So with a healthy dose of respect for the fact that perfection is unobtainable, […]

Your Content Will Suck at First, and That’s OK

Creating amazing content sounds so simple if you listen to all of the experts. “Quality over quantity,” they say. “Create value,” they say. And the don’t forget the always-popular “Content is king!” Here at Wikimotive, we’ve been guilty of giving this broad advice on occasion. It’s easy for us to say that as an automotive SEO company, but what about […]

Getting to Know the Major Google Search Updates

Over the past few years, Google has updated its search algorithm with a few major updates to crack down on spam, black hat SEO techniques, and other forms of manipulation. These updates have been widely covered by search engine blogs and now each small update is covered in detail so SEO professionals can stay on top of the latest changes […]

5 Types of Content Your Dealership Needs to Create

One of the most popular sayings  amongst internet marketers is “Content is king.” We all know this is true, but make sure you’re not just talking the talk and writing exclusively for search engines. Because while that used to be a worthwhile strategy, the key to outranking your competition now isn’t through optimization, it’s through content marketing. In 2014, people […]

3 Important Tips on Writing for the Web

As an editor, I often deal with new writers who have little to no experience writing outside of school essays, email, and social media updates. I get a lot of tightly-worded paragraphs and over-the-top word choices in many of the examples from these writers. It’s great to know they’ll take the job seriously enough to put in essay-quality effort, but […]

How to Use Guest Blogging in 2014

In January, we told you that guest blogging is a bad idea, and for the most part that is very true. The practice has evolved into a tactic used by spammers to gain links for specific keywords and becomes less and less associated with relevant blogger-to-blogger relations. This information was recently passed down by Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam […]

Adding Your Blog to Alltop

Adding Your Blog to Alltop

Have you ever thought about submitting your blog to Alltop? If you’re doing SEO right, you have a blog, and more exposure for said blog can only ever be a good thing. Alltop is an “online magazine rack” that brings together blogs from all different fields. It aggregates all of these different blogs into categories and delivers them on one […]

Blogging Longhand

All too often when we sit at the computer, we aren’t writing, we’re typing. It’s a subtle distinction but it’s an important one. Do you ever stare at your screen and know you need to get something down so you just hammer it out? Worse yet, do you ever stare at the screen, knowing you need to get something down, […]

Be an Internet Celebrity; Claim Your Google Authorship

Do you know who the author of your blog is? Well, it’s mostly likely  you (or a team of handsome ghostwriters cleverly disguised as you), and if you are truly invested in a successful SEO strategy, you’re blogging every single day, and even the occasional wild and crazy night. It’s easy to get caught up in the flashy blogger lifestyle; […]

WordPress or Blogger?

People still ask which is the better platform for creating a business blog, WordPress or Blogger. They both have their followings and their merits, but most  people who work for an actual SEO company will tell you that one is the clear winner.

What’s Your Blog Saying? (One Quick Trick to Find Out!)

How do you tell what your blog is about? Sure, you have ideas in your head and dreams in your heart, but it can be difficult to take a step back and look at what you REALLY are saying every day. With Facebook and Twitter Marketing, it’s easy to scroll back through your old posts and get an idea of your […]

Blogging for Humans

We talk a lot about the importance of a blog. As Google’s updates progress, the old adage “content is king” is becoming ever more true. It’s not enough to simply have content though, that content needs to be unique to your site and valuable to the reader. In the rush to keep up with the content volume being demanded by […]

Should you schedule posts?

People often times ask if they should schedule their social content posting when marketing with Twitter and Facebook. The short answer is yes, you should certainly schedule. Depending on your industry, there are times of day that see more activity than others, and scheduling ensures you hit those times of day. There are a myriad of services that offer post […]