Category: Social Media Marketing

How Job Seekers Should Be Utilizing Social Media

There’s a lot of hype around the ways job seekers can take advantage of social media marketing in order to stand out from the crowd, and for good reason. Sites like Twitter and LinkedIn can be utilized to help job seekers not only find jobs, but connections that can help grow a network, create new opportunities, and even help build […]

What Happened to ‘People Talking About This’ on Facebook?

Page administrators and automotive social media managers may be startled when they look for Facebook’s PTAT (People Talking About This) metric, as it is no longer located under “Page Likes” on individual Facebook pages. ‘ Is Facebook’s PTAT gone for good? No. Before we dig deeper, let’s discuss what “People Talking About This” truly means for Facebook Pages.

Businesses: Do NOT Follow Mashable’s Advice on Posting to Facebook

Dearest Mashable Reader, Recently, you read a Mashable article titled “8 Ways to Beat Facebook’s Algorithm and Keep Your Consumers Engaged” that has caused me to reevaluate their article intentions and quality… and you should too. As a trusted social media news source, I cannot help but wonder what they were thinking posting an article that includes tips that will […]

How to Boost Twitter Engagement and Build a Real Audience

While Twitter never grew to truly rival Facebook, it has affected our communication and our culture in the same way. People use Twitter for marketing, to connect with like-minded individuals, network professionally, broadcast news, and discuss anything and everything going on in the world. The most powerful part of this is that everything is public. Meaning anyone has the potential […]

Facebook Ads Relevance Score Key Factors

Facebook Ads Relevance Score Key Factors

Facebook is introducing a new way you can see how your potential Facebook Ad will perform with its new Facebook Ads Relevance Score. The Facebook Ad Relevance Score was announced by Facebook on Feb 11 and should slowly start rolling out in the coming days to weeks (so don’t freak out if you have yet to see it).

Interactive Debate: Which Facebook Page Call-to-Action Button is Best?

Interactive Debate: Which Facebook Page Call-to-Action Button is Best?

Facebook recently announced there will be new call-to-action buttons coming to U.S. pages by the end of the year and worldwide in 2015. These call-to-action buttons will display on the cover photo of a Facebook page conveniently located next to the “Like” button. The purpose of call-to-action buttons on Facebook Pages is to bring the business objective to the forefront […]

Why Marketing to Women is So Important on Social Media

For the longest time, young people, specifically young men ages 12-21, were the coveted demographic for major brands. A lot of this stemmed from television and viewership, but brands also look to online services to target young men. But more recently, women have become the most important demographic for social media marketing and all forms of digital marketing, as new data shows […]

Wikimotive’s Erin Ryan Talks Automotive Social Media Campaigns on MarketPunch Podcast

After getting word of an incredible social media campaign called #CatMode, run by Jason Stum of LaFontaine Automotive Group, Wikimotive’s Erin Ryan jumped into action and sparked up conversation with Jason around automotive social media. One thing led to another and she ended up being honored with a guest spot on Stum’s automotive marketing podcast, MarketPunch.

Facebook Pages Now Display Total Post Likes Under Notifications

Facebook is always evolving. As it’s being developed (by hundreds of developers across the world), not every change is publicly announced. Instead, most changes simply abruptly appear on Facebook. One of the most recent changes that may have gone unnoticed is the newly added “total likes” for posts, now displayed under the notifications tab. Facebook Page owners have become accustomed […]

11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales

11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales

Pinterest has been grabbing the attention of your customers since it first launched in March 2010. Since that time, its growth has continued, reaching 70 million users in July 2013. This visual discovery tool is a force to be reckoned with, and your customers are the ones using this site. This begs the question: Is your business pinning to Pinterest? Pinterest […]

#CatMode: LaFontaine Automotive Group Turns Cars into Adoptable Cats for April Fools’ Day

#CatMode: LaFontaine Automotive Group Turns Cars into Adoptable Cats for April Fools’ Day

While the entire Internet is buzzing today with April Fools jokes and gags, there is one dealership that is putting today’s fun to good use. The LaFontaine Automotive Group decided to take part in the day by turning their inventory images into pictures of cats. Not only is this a great idea since the Internet LOVES cats, but they too […]

Say Farewell to Automatically Promoting New Page Posts on Facebook

In recent days, Facebook has made a drastic change to its Page Post Engagement Ads. This latest update to Facebook Promoted Posts (Page Post Engagement Ads) has axed the featured that allows page admins to promote new posts automatically. This will likely affect many marketers and vendors. Facebook originally simplified promoted post ads by allowing marketers to check off a […]

An Introduction to Facebook’s New ‘Business Manager’ Tool

Marketers have been waiting for the day when Facebook would create a tool that could ease the ability to access client Facebook Pages. Now, that day is finally coming. Business Manager is a platform intended for brands and agencies to access data and allows marketers to apply information from one location.

Wikimotive’s Erin Ryan Talks Social Media on Auto Dealer Live

Wikimotive’s Erin Ryan Talks Social Media on Auto Dealer Live

Part of being a great digital marketing company is participating in the various communities based around online business and social media. For Wikimotive, our favorite community is automotive marketing, and we’re always excited to talk with other industry professionals about the latest news, and give insight into how we add value to car dealers across the country. Our own Director […]

Businesses Can Now Schedule Promoted Posts

There are many different ways a business can use Facebook Ads, from multiple automated ads to boosting individual posts. But the newest form of post page engagement is by scheduling them in advance. If you use Facebook pages, you may have noticed that some of your posts that were scheduled seemed to have not gone out in the past few […]

Don’t Panic: Facebook’s 2014 Newsfeed Redesign is Subtle

Don’t Panic: Facebook’s 2014 Newsfeed Redesign is Subtle

Yet again, we are looking at new changes to the Facebook Newsfeed. This time last year, Facebook showed off a concept redesign and overhaul of its look to users. This time around, however, there won’t be too much of a noticeable difference. Yet with every change to social networks, especially Facebook, as a digital marketing company or Facebook user, you […]

5 Ideas for Your New Business’s Facebook Page

Starting a Facebook page for your business seems like a simple enough task, but if you want to take social media seriously, you’ll need to realize that it’s an investment. You won’t develop an audience overnight, and you’ll have to put a little cash down to expose your business to users; however, a small amount of your time and money […]

Why the Facebook Fraud Video is Not Completely Accurate

The Facebook Fraud video has gone viral. If you haven’t had the chance to see it for yourself, be sure to check it out: I have been asked my opinion on the topic and thought it would be best to share my opinions on the Facebook Fraud video through a blog post. As a person who supports Facebook Advertising and […]