Author: Amanda Ryan

Employees Are Your Business’ Greatest Reputation Management Asset

Employees are hired based on their ability to perform and complete specific job functions. What is often overlooked is the significant role employees play in the business’ reputation. In the past, managing a business’ reputation was purely a matter of effectively handling public relations. This, alone, is no longer enough. In today’s world, technology has greatly altered the way businesses’ […]

You Have More in Common with Your Customer Than You Think

When a potential buyer walks through the door, calls you up on the phone, or chats with you online, your immediate reaction is to find ways to connect with them to provide quality customer service. You engage in small talk by chatting about the weather or current sport scores, hoping to uncover similar interests to aid you in providing great […]

Why Leadership is Important for Car Dealers

Leadership is a word we hear often, and at times it can be over used and therefore misunderstood. But leadership is not just a word, it is an action. It is a role many struggle to uphold because it is not one that can be mastered. Instead, it is a commitment to life-long learning about oneself and the roles that come […]

11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales

11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales

Pinterest has been grabbing the attention of your customers since it first launched in March 2010. Since that time, its growth has continued, reaching 70 million users in July 2013. This visual discovery tool is a force to be reckoned with, and your customers are the ones using this site. This begs the question: Is your business pinning to Pinterest? Pinterest […]