Category: Pinterest

Why Marketing to Women is So Important on Social Media

For the longest time, young people, specifically young men ages 12-21, were the coveted demographic for major brands. A lot of this stemmed from television and viewership, but brands also look to online services to target young men. But more recently, women have become the most important demographic for social media marketing and all forms of digital marketing, as new data shows […]

11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales

11 Facts About Pinterest and the Power of Social Sales

Pinterest has been grabbing the attention of your customers since it first launched in March 2010. Since that time, its growth has continued, reaching 70 million users in July 2013. This visual discovery tool is a force to be reckoned with, and your customers are the ones using this site. This begs the question: Is your business pinning to Pinterest? Pinterest […]

Three Big Pinterest Expansions

Guess who is already back in the headlines making waves in the social media marketing world? It’s Pinterest! (You don’t get any credit if you read the title, that’s cheating.) That’s right, the social pinboard site is expanding again, this time bringing three pretty interesting user experience offers to the table. Let’s take a look at what they are and what […]

Pinterest Strengthens Search

Pinterest has been growing in popularity month over month, but that hasn’t stopped them from expanding their product. Much like Facebook, the pin-board social network keeps making changes large and small as it grows, trying to deliver the best product possible to both its users and advertisers. Today, they have made a large step forward by acquiring the search-focused company […]

The Value of a Pin

Pinterest is a strange egg, there’s no doubt about it. I know a lot of businesses who are tearing their hair out trying to understand how certain brands are killing it making a profit on the social pinning site where all you do is virtually stick virtual images on virtual boards. To these people I say that you don’t have […]

Pinterest Offering New Analytics

Successful marketing requires the ability to track and analyze and deduce, it’s what makes the industry exciting. Businesses are always clamoring for more analytics tools from the services they use, and now Pinterest is delivering an interesting new tool, sure to be a boon for any SEO company smart enough to invest in social media.

Pinterest New Social Leader?

Everyone acknowledges that Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media sites, but just how relevant it is still seems to be up in the air. According to recent studies, Pinterest was behind Marketing with Twitter and Facebook as well as Google+, but a new survey is offering a different opinion on the matter.

Pinterest Rudiments

We haven’t talked about Pinterest on the blog for awhile, so we wanted to revisit the budding social network. Recently they’ve made some pretty major moves by cutting out fake users and allowing business accounts to authenticate themselves, and they just keep progressing into “necessary for Successful Business SEO” territory. No one outside of Google is sure exactly how much weight […]

Pinterest Cutting Fakes

Pinterest is doing a lot right. They know they aren’t the first social network on the block and they aren’t trying to pretend they are. Instead, they’re deliberately studying Facebook and Twitter and implementing similar successful policies. This is great news for Pinterest users, and if you can keep up, it will be great news for your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Pinterest Allowing Business Accounts

Pinterest is experiencing rapid growth, both among casual users and marketers. In the past month, Pinterest has started to embrace businesses that want to utilize their service, and they have made explicit business pages available. In the grand tradition of Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest hopes to use businesses’ need to market to increase their own revenue. When it comes to social […]