Pinterest Cutting Fakes

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Pinterest Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Pinterest is doing a lot right. They know they aren’t the first social network on the block and they aren’t trying to pretend they are. Instead, they’re deliberately studying Facebook and Twitter and implementing similar successful policies. This is great news for Pinterest users, and if you can keep up, it will be great news for your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Over the weekend, Pinterest made an effort to rid itself of fake user accounts. Facebook and (to a much lesser degree) Twitter have made similar efforts, and for good reason. Fake accounts tend to simply spam without adding any value to the social network. The only people who like them are businesses who are trying to inflate their numbers, but even that isn’t worth much as they offer no true engagement.

Should you worry about your account’s followers? Not unless you purchased them. At one point, it was believed that you could purchase real, human followers (this applies to every social network). It didn’t take long to realize that this just isn’t true though. Purchased followers in any substantial quantity are going to be largely fake, and thus useless.

If you didn’t purchase followers, then you will likely not even notice a difference. According to Pinterest Engineer lead Jon Jenkins, 99 percent of accounts will lose fewer than 10 followers. Many won’t lose any at all. If you HAVE purchased followers, you’d do well to monitor your page this week and see exactly how deep the cuts went.

Need help coming up with a Pinterest strategy for your business? Want to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to your digital marketing? Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation of your digital marketing strategy.

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