Category: Uncategorized

2 Recent Automotive SEO Changes You Need to Know About

2 Recent Automotive SEO Changes You Need to Know About

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: SEO (search engine optimization) is constantly changing. And while it is an essential piece of a dealership’s marketing strategy, not everyone has time to keep up with the constant change. For me, though? Well, that’s my job. So, in an effort to keep everyone on the same page, I’ve put together […]

GBP Listings | Entering Business Information

GBP Listings | Entering Business Information

Get comfortable, and make yourself a snack, friends…because this topic is a big one, in terms of both importance and scope. At this point, we’re going to assume you’ve already created or claimed all of your listings, verified them, and identified all of your departments. Today, we’re going to talk about your business information and – for our onscreen examples […]

Should I hire an outside SEO provider?

Should I hire an outside SEO provider?

SEO, handle it in house, hire an outside provider? What are the pros and cons? Well, meet my two friends: time and money. Start by asking yourself, “how much time do I have?” If the answer is anything like, “None. I’m jam packed”, well…you don’t have time for search engine optimization. Now, ask yourself, “can I afford to hire one, […]

Why did my site get more out-of-state traffic in 2022?

Why did my site get more out-of-state traffic in 2022?

Did you start getting a lot of out-of-state traffic in 2022? If so, were you wondering why? Well, you could have attracted out-of-market traffic via blog articles that are informational (as opposed to transactional). As we’ve discussed in recent weeks, this means blog articles that attract people who want to learn more about things like towing capacity, or trim levels, […]

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

If you run a car dealership, it can be tempting to think that having a big marketing budget and paying for lots of television and radio advertisements means you’re covering all your bases. But if there’s one thing that automotive marketing companies know, it’s that any modern marketing approach would be woefully incomplete without accounting for the influence of search […]

Does Your Content Suck? How to Tell & How to Fix It

Does Your Content Suck? How to Tell & How to Fix It

All right, dealers… Last month, Dave gave you some actionable steps to check the functionality of your site, create certain types of valuable content, and better understand metas. So let’s take one of those tips, and build it out a little bit further. When it comes to creating SEO-friendly content, there’s no shortage of misconceptions out there. Many of them […]

Why You Should Be Branding Your Salespeople Using Video

Why You Should Be Branding Your Salespeople Using Video

Annnnd we’re back – in the studio – after a great week in Napa Valley at DMSC 2021. In fact, it was such an impactful experience that we’re going to hold off on our regular topics for one more week — because we’re feeling particularly inspired to #weaponizetheconnectivity. Of all the amazing keynotes, panels and breakout sessions that took place […]

Want to Use Stories to Sell More? Start Here.

Want to Use Stories to Sell More? Start Here.

In a recent study performed by Cox Automotive, it was determined that the average car buyer spends 13 hours and 55 minutes researching a vehicle purchase. And that 61% of that average time (equivalent to about 8.5 hours) is spent online. Today, that time is split between time spent on dealer sites like yours, OEM sites and 3rd party consumer […]

Automotive Marketing Trends to Get Aboard

Going digital is no longer a thing of the present. At the risk of sounding elitist, or dismissive, if your automotive marketing hasn’t already gone digital (at least partially) you have placed your dealership at a significant disadvantage. To be clear, we’re not simply referring to whether or not you have a responsive website, with inventory configured to create an […]

How to Boost Twitter Engagement and Build a Real Audience

While Twitter never grew to truly rival Facebook, it has affected our communication and our culture in the same way. People use Twitter for marketing, to connect with like-minded individuals, network professionally, broadcast news, and discuss anything and everything going on in the world. The most powerful part of this is that everything is public. Meaning anyone has the potential […]

Easier Way to Share Instagram

Instagram is a great way to take interesting pictures for your business, and we’ve covered it’s usefulness before. That utility has only grown in recent weeks with the introduction of short videos to the app. Now, you can take pictures and videos and apply stylish filters all within the same program. There has always been a problem with the social […]

Watch Your Language: Cryptomnesia

Cryptomnesia has been on my mind a lot lately. In the course of reading dozens of marketing blog and writing hundreds of marketing words every day, it’s definitely a looming threat to myself, and everyone else in the industry. Cryptomnesia occurs when you remember something you’ve read or seen in the past, but your brain interprets it as something new […]

Freedom and the 4th

The 4th of July is a time to celebrate our freedom as a country. We have cookouts, we drink beers, we set off fireworks, and we spend time with our loved ones. It’s usually one of my favorite days of the year, but so far, 2013 hasn’t given us a lot of freedom to celebrate. It’s been a strange time […]

International SEO (Infographic)

If you are doing SEO properly, then you are monitoring where your traffic is coming from. You are always tweaking this or that to ensure your reach is as wide as possible. In your research, have you ever noticed traffic coming in from other countries? A lot of people notice that international traffic, think “huh, that’s neat,” and move on […]

Off Site Blog Post Example

Why I’m a Mazda Mom I’m a new mom. In case you don’t know many new moms, let me tell you that new-mom status comes with a new-found obsession: safety. Prior to having a baby, I can assure you I had never been the type to actually mail in the “just-in-case” recall postcards. Now I have them in the mail […]

On Site Blog Post Example

On Site Blog Post Example

Should You Choose the 2024 Sierra 2500 HD Denali or AT4? The powerful Sierra 2500 HD has been updated for 2024, taking this model to new heights of luxury and capability. However, if you are shopping for a three-quarter-ton GMC truck for sale, you now have a very important question to ask yourself––should you choose the opulent Denali or the […]

The Death of SEO?

The Panda update has hit. The Penguin update has hit. The sky is falling for SEO practitioners all over the digital world and we’re starting to see the rise of the doomsayers. “SEO IS LOST!” they holler, sandwich board firmly affixed. “Beware the Google apocalypse,” they cry, forcing you to take a leaflet when you’re just trying to walk to […]