International SEO (Infographic)

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If you are doing SEO properly, then you are monitoring where your traffic is coming from. You are always tweaking this or that to ensure your reach is as wide as possible. In your research, have you ever noticed traffic coming in from other countries? A lot of people notice that international traffic, think “huh, that’s neat,” and move on with their lives. To have SEO that is truly elite level, you need to investigate this international traffic and capitalize on it. Let’s take a look at how to get the most out of your international SEO without breaking a sweat.

The wonderful Aleyda Solis is speaking at MozCon this year about international SEO, in a presentation she has titled “International SEO and the Future of your ROI.” To prepare for the session, she made a wonderful infographic that highlights the fundamentals of the process so you can get a jump start. Not every business will benefit from international SEO, but if you could stand some overseas business, then read on and bring your game to the next level.


International SEO Wikimotive

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