The Death of SEO?

Posted on by Daniel Hinds
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The Panda update has hit. The Penguin update has hit. The sky is falling for SEO practitioners all over the digital world and we’re starting to see the rise of the doomsayers. “SEO IS LOST!” they holler, sandwich board firmly affixed. “Beware the Google apocalypse,” they cry, forcing you to take a leaflet when you’re just trying to walk to the ballpark (does that only happen in Boston?) SEO is dead or dying has become the mantra for many experts, most of whom are competing with your SEO company for your business.

The reality is SEO isn’t dead, dying, or even sick; it’s as robust as ever. What’s dead is old SEO–the link-farming, forum-spamming, article-spinning dinosaur that raised so many of the current crop of “SEO Experts.”  When someone tells you that SEO no longer works, you need to remember two things:

1. They’re wrong

2. They’re probably just trying to get you to spend your money on whatever they’re pitching.

We’ve found a great infographic by the gents over at SEOBook that illustrates the different groups claiming SEO is dead, and gives some insight on why they may be claiming that. It’s not perfect, and obviously there are some generalizations in there (for instance, we know some bloggers that nail SEO and know it’s thriving) but it’s a great read for anyone performing their SEO or looking to move some money to SEO in the near future.


Death of SEO

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