Google Hammers Bad Mobile Sites

Posted on by Daniel Hinds
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How does your mobile site look? If you haven’t been paying much attention to it in the past, now is the time to get to it. With its newest round of updates, Google is specifically focusing on mobile sites, so you better make sure your low cost SEO services include some sort of functional mobile presence.

It doesn’t need to be pretty, but it does need to work. 

This information comes courtesy of the Google Webmaster Central Blog. In one of the most recent updates, Google warned that they  “plan to roll out several ranking changes in the near future that address sites that are misconfigured for smartphone users.”

Thankfully, they gave a little more information than just that. The two areas that you really need to look out for moving forwards are faulty redirects and smartphone exclusive errors. Faulty redirects occur when a desktop page tries to redirect a smartphone user to irrelevant pages on the mobile version of the site. Smartphone exclusive errors are when a page fails to load content for smartphone users, but successfully delivers the same content for desktop users.

Google’s advice on how to avoid getting hit with a mobile site penatly?

 “Try to test your site on as many different mobile devices and operating systems, or their emulators, as possible.”


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