Category: Automotive marketing

Top 5 Mistakes When Working on SEO

Top 5 Mistakes When Working on SEO

So you’ve been working on your search engine optimization (SEO) for a while now…or maybe you’re just getting started. Either way, you’re probably reading a lot about different automotive marketing solutions, best practices for the industry, and all kinds of tips and tricks for getting ahead. But what about the stuff you shouldn’t be doing? One poor decision can completely […]

Use These Tools to Monitor the Success of Your Automotive Marketing

Use These Tools to Monitor the Success of Your Automotive Marketing

A lot goes into picking out the best automotive marketing solutions for your business, between determining your strategy, figuring out your budget, and putting everything into effect. Whether you focus the majority of your efforts online or are spreading your efforts across digital and traditional platforms, you’ll need to be able to monitor trends in your data and see how […]

Raising ChatGPT | What to Expect When You’re Expecting AI to Fix Everything

Raising ChatGPT | What to Expect When You’re Expecting AI to Fix Everything

“So, basically…ChatGPT is the equivalent of a 10-year-old with access to the internet.” The summation was a simple one, made during a workshop focused on the promise, prompts, and perils of the AI platform as it relates to automotive marketing. But once uttered, the silently-attentive room of dealer marketers, sales managers, GMs, and dealer principles stirred in unison, sharing in […]

Buzz, Bull and Automobiles | Steer clear of the vendor bullsh*t

Buzz, Bull and Automobiles | Steer clear of the vendor bullsh*t

As featured on the May 2023 cover of AutoSuccess Magazine Sales are down. Leads are down. Foot traffic is down. We have the wrong cars, and rates aren’t helping, but boy, does it feel like something just isn’t working right. Is it the website? Are the chat and digital retailing tools set up right? Do we need to switch third-party […]

Create a Clear Path to Conversion

Create a Clear Path to Conversion

As featured in the April 2023 issue of AutoSuccess Magazine   Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication A digital shopping experience absent of friction can lead your customers to what they are looking for. Often, it is that high-quality user experience that creates early trust and a solid leg for future positive interactions to stand on. These first impressions are paramount […]

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

Do I Need an Automotive Marketing Company for My Dealership?

If you run a car dealership, it can be tempting to think that having a big marketing budget and paying for lots of television and radio advertisements means you’re covering all your bases. But if there’s one thing that automotive marketing companies know, it’s that any modern marketing approach would be woefully incomplete without accounting for the influence of search […]

What is Automotive SEO and Why Does it Matter?

What is Automotive SEO and Why Does it Matter?

As a professional in the automotive space, you want your website to perform the best it can. While paid ads on Google and various social media platforms can help to grab the attention of some online users, the fact is: focusing on a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) strategy is not making the most of your online presence. A large portion of online […]

Stepping Outside the Echo Chamber

Now that we’re firmly implanted in 2019, susceptible to both the pitfalls and perils most-evident and well-hidden, we’d be spotlighting a lack of foresight if we failed to acknowledge one of the greatest threats to your automotive marketing strategy. More accurately, it’s one of the greatest threats to any marketing strategy, regardless of industry or intent (and arguably, to a […]

Giving Your 2019 a Personal Touch

Since the earliest days of radio spots and television sponsorships, celebrity endorsements were considered the gold standard of commercial validation. The idea that a compensated actor or pop culture personality lends any credibility to a product or service might be ridiculous, and yet, the hapless consumer inside of each of us continues to fall for the tactic time-and-time-again. Few industries […]

Is Digital Marketing Blurring the Lines Between Tiered Automotive Marketing?

According to a report by eMarketer, the estimated automotive marketing spend in 2017 fell in somewhere around $206 billion. Coming off a seven-year run of continual sales growth, it’s no surprise that the industry has shown such openness toward investment. The near-unparalleled level of innovation alone ensured that most messages were well-worth “getting out there” and, judging by the spend, […]

Automotive Marketing Trends to Get Aboard

Going digital is no longer a thing of the present. At the risk of sounding elitist, or dismissive, if your automotive marketing hasn’t already gone digital (at least partially) you have placed your dealership at a significant disadvantage. To be clear, we’re not simply referring to whether or not you have a responsive website, with inventory configured to create an […]

Prioritizing SEO in Your Automotive Marketing for 2019

While most people are still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that autumn is already upon us, automotive marketing professionals (and their counterparts in almost every industry) are already focused on forming their digital strategies for 2019. And, if recent years have taught us anything, each year that passes increases the importance of SEO to these strategies and the […]