Category: Automotive Digital Marketing

Where should you spend your SEM budget?

When it comes to your advertising dollar, you always want the most bang for your buck. Google has long been a favorite, dominating the market and practically commanding every dollar of your search engine marketing budget. It has been true for so long that many companies don’t even bother with the competitors, but is that a wise decision?

Google Launches Webmaster Academy For Beginner Webmasters

Google Launches Webmaster Academy For Beginner Webmasters

Google just recently launched a new awesome service through Webmaster Tools for learning how to make a site that preforms well in Google search results. It’s called Webmaster Academy and it’s a comprehensive guide on how to make your website great and covers everything from how to use Webmaster tools to creating and syndicating content through social media. This guide […]

Google Releases About 50 Algorithm Updates For April

Early this month Google released another string of algorithm updates. About 50 of them to be exact, luckily we have narrowed the field down to only a few that you really should be paying attention to. You may need to adjust your small business SEO strategy so pay attention.

Google Cracks Down On Over-Optimization

With Google planning to crack down on over-optimization with their newest round of algorithm updates SEOs everywhere are scrambling to find out if they will be affected. Rather than speculate and face heavy penalties it is best to play it safe for now and check a few key places on your website to make sure that your small business SEO […]

Automotive SEO: The Backbone

In this fast-paced world where technology has advanced and is advancing, and marketing in the automotive industry has been and is still challenging, help is on its way. Car dealers benefit by having a sophisticated and high-tech way of exposing their business – brand, dealership, vehicles- with the birth of Automotive Marketing and the aid of SEO for the Automotive […]

Study Shows Huge Social Media Impact For Automotive Sales And Service

In a recent study done by Sociable Labs it was revealed that a very significant number of Automotive shoppers are making purchasing decisions based on social sharing. Apparently 1 in 4 shoppers who are active on Facebook have made a vehicle or service department purchase based on recommendations they saw in their news feed. This has confirmed what we’ve always […]

The Rise Of Mobile

People have been talking for years about the “post-PC era” when use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets would exceed that of personal computers. It seems that 2012 is going to be the start of this new era. In 2011 there were 472 million smartphones sold world wide, and tablet sales grew by 250 per cent reaching just about […]

Failing QR Codes – The Solution?

  This article was originally featured on iMedia Connection They have become the standard violator appearing on advertising; in the corner of print ads, across billboards, on buses, or in pieces of direct mail — even peppered throughout this article. You’ve seen them; that little block of even littler squares. Unfortunately the technology behind QR codes was not invented for […]

Bloggers Can Soon Put Ads On Their WordPress Blogs

The company behind, Automattic, has teamed up with Federated Media to bring a new feature to millions of Word Press users. The two companies have collaborated to give users the ability to place ads on their blogs. This could have a profound effect on internet marketing opportunities.

The History of Facebook Advertising [Infographic]

Originally posted on Masahable As Facebook has grown from a collegiate social network to a site that gets action from 7.3% of the world’s population, it has also evolved into a marketing tool. One report estimated that advertisers will spend $4 billion on Facebook advertising this year. Facebook didn’t come out of the gate as a marketing-friendly product in 2004, and it has […]

Do You Hate the New Facebook?

Complaints about Facebook’s changes to the site today defy measurement. Publicly visible status updates that complain appear to be going up as public status updates at least once every ten seconds. Comments on these posts are going up much faster than we can count. Plus we have no way to tally the number of complaining posts using the new privacy settings to limit visibility to friends. So is the technology […]

Facebook News Ticker Redesign Explained

Facebook has redesigned the news feed (again!) and officially launched a ticker in the right-hand side of the screen. Users have been seeing both of these changes in beta test versions in recent weeks, but today they go live across the site. While the news feed and ticker at first seem like duplicates of one another, the latter looks like a skinnier version of the […]

Top 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. While automotive Facebook marketing is on the rise among small businesses, many are still struggling to master the basics. “Many people have difficulty with just the basic Page set up,” says social media marketing consultant Nicole Krug. “For example, […]

Online Marketing: The Key to Manipulation

Don’t Cheat! You would probably expect someone who tout’s himself as the master of all things digital to claim to have some super cheat code to search engine optimization and Social Media Marketing right? Hire me and I’ll let you into my “SEO cool club” and you too can get thousands of visitors a day to your website and money […]

Online Marketing: The Blog pt1 – your SEO engine

To blog or not to blog-that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler on the internet to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous SEO, Or to take arms against a sea of traffic And, by opposing end it. To digg, to nofollow link No More-and by nofollow link to say we end The traffic and the thousands of natural pageviews… […]

Online Marketing: The Website Pt. 2 – Build your House

So you’ve accepted that your foundation was broken and now you’ve got a new one (see Online Marketing: The Website Pt.1 before you proceed). Great! You’ve got the right team or the best website provider in the biz, a STRONG foundation right? Now what? Time to begin building your house! Like all houses, you need to start with a floor and […]