Category: Socially Irresponsible

7 Ways to Kill the News Ticker on Facebook

This homepage ticker is going to give me a migraine. It shows if you have chat open, and if you close chat, it takes residence above the ads and everything else. Seriously, that’s too distracting. The eye is naturally drawn to movement, and Facebook has already given me attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Do You Hate the New Facebook?

Complaints about Facebook’s changes to the site today defy measurement. Publicly visible status updates that complain appear to be going up as public status updates at least once every ten seconds. Comments on these posts are going up much faster than we can count. Plus we have no way to tally the number of complaining posts using the new privacy settings to limit visibility to friends. So is the technology […]

9 Social Media Guidelines Your Dealer May Want To Follow

9 Guidelines for Social Media Participation at (Insert your Dealership Name) These guidelines apply to (Dealership) employees or contractors who create or contribute to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of Social Media. Whether you log into Twitter, Facebook or YouTube, or comment on online media stories – these guidelines are for you. While all (Dealership) […]

Wikimotive to sponsor Napa Festivities at DMSC!

Wikimotive to sponsor Napa Festivities at DMSC!

Wikimotive Social Media Superstar Sponsors Social Events at DMSC Wikimotive has stepped up to the plate and sponsored the bus transportation to and from the dinner events at PCG’s Digital Marketing Strategies Conference scheduled this February in Napa Valley prior to NADA! Apropos that the Social Media Superstar sponsor the “Social Events” at the greatly anticipated summit! Conference details below. […]

Facebook Marketing for Car Dealers 101

  3 Reasons Car Dealers Fail at Facebook Marketing #1 The Wrong Questions Dealer’s are constantly asking me how they can drive more “In Market” or “Relevant Fans/Likes” to their facebook pages. It is in the question itself that dealers go wrong. Social Media isn’t a trick. You can’t approach it by prejudging the value of one fan or like […]

The Biggest Mistake Marketing Professionals Make With Social Media Marketing

They ask, “How can I get “RELEVANT” or “IN MARKET” fans/likes/followers to join/like/follow my fan page/tweets?” ANSWER: YOU CAN’T TRICK SOCIAL MEDIA! First of all, the “relevant” fans/followers are the ones who WANT to like/follow you! If a human being made the conscious decision to spend time exposing themselves to your brand, why would you ever be so presumptuous to […]