Category: Social Media Infographics

How Social Media Helps Small Business Grow (Infographic)

Social media isn’t just for established businesses. I want to be very clear about this because it is a misconception that I run into all the time. People start a social media page, and that big fat ZERO in the fans/followers/whatever spot just feels insurmountable. Small business owners need to understand that the zero IS surmountable, but more than that, […]

History of a Hashtag (Infographic)

Have you ever wondered where the noble hashtag came from? Those of you who weren’t born with a cell phone surgically grafted to your fore-limbs may remember when it was called the pound sign on the old-fashioned Graham Bell talkies. Then, the quiet and unassuming four lines were taken by the Internet and have now become the worldwide sign for […]

Social Customer Service

Even the best businesses sometimes have unhappy customers. That’s just the reality of doing business. What separates the good businesses from the bad is how they handle their customer service when there is a complaint. It was easier in the past. Customers would ask to speak to a manager or they would call a customer service hotline and you could […]

Social Media Marketing Losing its Way (Infographic)

When social media first hit the scene, it was pretty much ignored by marketers. After all, why should they care where teenagers go to complain about their parents? They quickly realized their mistake though, and embraced social media as a great avenue to interact with fans. It was the only venue where you could advertise, receive immediate feedback, and then […]

Infographic on Pinterest User Interactions

Marketing on Pinterest seems to become more viable every day, and that’s no accident. Pinterest has been doing their best to compete with other social networks, looking to edge into a market full of people Marketing with Twitter and Facebook. Is it truly worth your time (and your money) though, or is it just Pinterest generating hype for themselves? Let’s take […]

Marketing with Facebook Infographic

How many of you have tried out the paid Facebook ads? Whether you’re looking to grow your audience, promote your posts, or just spread your brand awareness, Facebook ads can be a great tool. Obviously it’s always better to advertise organically, but that’s not always necessarily possible or effective. For instance, when you’re starting out with a brand new page, […]

Impact of Photos on Facebook

Marketing Using Facebook is a tricky proposition, and it can be especially frustrating when you’re trying your best and simply not getting the engagement you want. Are you sending out post after post, only to net a couple likes and the occasional comment? You aren’t alone, many companies wallow in this kind of social obscurity, but there is an easy solution […]

Social Media in 2013!

Social Media in 2013!

Social media took some major strides in marketing importance in 2012, and that trend looks like it’s going to continue into 2013. With duplicate content and backlinks getting penalized and devalued, something has to fill the void. It appears as though the new SEO will revolve around quality content and social cues, so Marketing with Twitter and Facebook and maintaining a consistent […]

Customer Service In Social Media

A facet of social media that is often overlooked is the role it plays in customer service. Marketing Using Facebook is one thing, but dedicating time to answering every question and comment is another layer of time and dedication that some businesses feel they can’t handle. The reality is, like it or not, customer service is moving to social media, and […]

The Art of Getting Retweets

Tweeting is important for automotive marketing, but doing so in a way that gets you Retweeted is just as important. Retweeting boosts your original message, amplifying its reach by orders of magnitude, ensuring it’s seen by more people. Now, having good content will get your message out there, but good content alone can only take you so far. You need to […]