Infographic on Pinterest User Interactions

Posted on by Zach Billings
Categories: Social Media Infographics Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Marketing on Pinterest seems to become more viable every day, and that’s no accident. Pinterest has been doing their best to compete with other social networks, looking to edge into a market full of people Marketing with Twitter and Facebook. Is it truly worth your time (and your money) though, or is it just Pinterest generating hype for themselves? Let’s take a look at an infographic that sheds a little light on the situation.

The inforgraphic is from WishPond, who always does a nice job with their presentation. There isn’t a ton of info on this particular infographic, but there’s enough to make it worth your time. The most interesting stats include the fact that visitors referred from Pinterest spend 70% more money then visitors referred from non-social channels. Also, many businesses should be interested in the fact that Pinterest users are much more likely than Facebook users to find and like a product they either have purchased or would like to purchase in the future.

Check out the infographic below, and let us know what you think:

Wikimotive Pinterest Infographic

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