Impact of Photos on Facebook

Posted on by Daniel Hinds
Categories: Social Media Infographics Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Marketing Using Facebook is a tricky proposition, and it can be especially frustrating when you’re trying your best and simply not getting the engagement you want. Are you sending out post after post, only to net a couple likes and the occasional comment? You aren’t alone, many companies wallow in this kind of social obscurity, but there is an easy solution that many people seem to overlook.

Have you tried adding more photos into the mix? It seems simple, but many pages don’t post enough. If the vast majority of your posts don’t include a picture of some kind, then you are simply doing it wrong. We’ve expounded the virtues of including visuals before, but a recent infographic released by Wishpond does a great job illustrating the situation. Check it out above!

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