Bloggers Can Soon Put Ads On Their WordPress Blogs

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
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The company behind, Automattic, has teamed up with Federated Media to bring a new feature to millions of Word Press users. The two companies have collaborated to give users the ability to place ads on their blogs. This could have a profound effect on internet marketing opportunities.

WordPress now powers a staggering 15% of all websites on the internet, an increase of 6% from last year. And apparently 22% of all new website registrations are WordPress installs giving companies who are keen to expand their online advertising efforts an expansive new environment in which to pedal their wares.

Brands and advertisers will be able to target certain blogs depending on what audiences are relevant to them. Federated Media CEO Deanna Brown called it “relevance at scale,” because advertisers will be able to target across thousands (or potentially millions) of WordPress-powered websites.

It’s not clear at this point how users will be compensated for the revenue that these ads will generate, but you can imagine it will probably be related to traffic volume generated by their particular site.

Need some personalized advice on blogging? Need a blog created and/or managed for you? Give us a ring or use our Wikimotive contact sheet!

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