Category: SEO

Content related to Search Engine Optimization, SEO, and how it can be used for your business.

How to Use Guest Blogging in 2014

In January, we told you that guest blogging is a bad idea, and for the most part that is very true. The practice has evolved into a tactic used by spammers to gain links for specific keywords and becomes less and less associated with relevant blogger-to-blogger relations. This information was recently passed down by Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam […]

SEO Then and Now Infographic

Whether you’re a seasoned SEO pro or just starting out, the shifting nature of search engine optimization makes it a constant struggle to stay on top of it. It’s like walking on quicksand, every time you think you have sure footing, you find yourself suddenly up to your neck in it. There are ways to maintain a  cheap SEO service without sacrificing […]