Search Behavior Infographic

Posted on by Daniel Hinds
Categories: SEO Infographics

We spend a lot of time trying to figure out how people behave when they use search engines. As digital marketers, it’s literally our job.  Are they always clicking the top result? Are they ignoring advertisements entirely? Does ANYBODY ever go check the second page? These are burning questions that require answers, especially if your small business search engine optimization is going to succeed.

We’ve found an interesting little infographic from SurveyMonkey. It’s not the richest source of information, but it’s a great intro to the ideas.

The most interesting fact on this infographic is the claim that 90% of users regularly check the second page. We’re incredibly skeptical about this. Most studies place the number MUCH lower. What you have to pay attention to here is the word “regularly” which is actually pretty nebulous. So 90% of people “regularly” click to page 2, that doesn’t mean they do it often, or that you should be content with anything but the top half of page 1.

So checkout the infographic below for an introductory feel into the search habits of people in 2013, but definitely read between the lines as necessary.



Small Business Search Engine Optimization

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