What Should We Expect from Google?

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Matt Cutts has just released another video on his Google Webmaster Help account, and we’re here to break it down for you. This time he is addressing the question, “What should we expect in the next few months in terms of SEO for Google?”

Lets look at his answer.

He starts with the standard answer. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing, you just make a quality site and you’ll do fine. Obviously, that’s not enough for us (and Matt knows it!) so he graciously goes a little deeper.

As we wrote yesterday, the first big change will be Penguin 2.0. This is going to aggressively target all black hat techniques. Additionally, Panda will be receiving an update at about the same time, so expect interesting times real soon.

The next big change is advertorials. If you are paying for coverage or an ad, those ads will no longer have any affect on page rank. Basically, they are looking to eliminate paid links as completely as they can. If the user can’t immediately see it is a paid link, it will be considered spam.

They are also going “upstream” to deny people who build hidden spam link networks. If that seems vague, we agree, but Matt seems confident that page rank that flows through spam sites is going to be stopped cold.

Webmaster tools will also be receiving an update. Now, if you get a hacked site or spam warning, you can go to webmaster tools and get a comprehensive look at your situation and what you need to do to rectify it.

The final interesting update from Google in these next couple months is authority. They are going to be paying more attention to whose voice matters in specific fields, and those people are going to rank higher. This is great incentive to blog every day and to ensure your Google authorship is up and running smoothly!

You can check out the full video here.

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