How Social Media Helps Small Business Grow (Infographic)

Posted on by Erin Ryan
Categories: Automotive Digital Marketing, Automotive Social Media, Social Media, Social Media Infographics Tagged: , , ,

Social media isn’t just for established businesses. I want to be very clear about this because it is a misconception that I run into all the time. People start a social media page, and that big fat ZERO in the fans/followers/whatever spot just feels insurmountable. Small business owners need to understand that the zero IS surmountable, but more than that, social media is actually going to make your business as a whole grow. I know that seems a bit far fetched, especially in the beginning of your social media efforts. You don’t need to believe me now though, you just need to be willing to believe when the time comes.

To illustrate my point (and spare your brain more reading on this semi-holiday), I’ve attached an infographic below that illustrates exactly how social media can help a small business grow. If you read it over, you’ll see that social media isn’t just for the big businesses or the trendy businesses, it’s for ALL businesses, including yours. Read through the infographic below and start thinking about what you want your social presence to look like. There’s no better time to start something new and exciting than the new year, and it’s right around the corner!


Social Media Small Business


+Erin Ryan is the Director of Social Media for Wikimotive and a writer for various Social Media & Tech blogs. Erin has a keen understanding of the power of Social Media for business and fervently stays up-to-date.