Google’s 200 Ranking Factors (Infographic)

Posted on by Zach Billings
Categories: SEO Infographics Tagged: , ,

We all know that Google has a pretty complicated algorithm they use to evaluate websites, so any insight we can gain into their proces is a huge boon. Even some SEO experts don’t know all the little ins and outs of Google’s thought process. For instance, did you know that you can be penalized based on WHOIS content?  Were you aware that Google analyzes the reading level of the content on your page? It’s these littles facts that separate the SEO boys from the SEO men, and only quality SEO agencies like Wikimotive are familiar with them all.

Obviously no one person can rattle off every last thing that Google values off the top of their head, so it’s helpful to have a list. We’ve found a great one in the form of an infographic from SEO Journal. Read it, study it, know it. It’s pretty much the longest infographic we have ever seen, but it also pretty much has to be to cover 200 ranking factors that you need to know!

Check it out, and let us know what you think.


SEO Infographic

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