Local Needs to be on the Podium

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: SEO Tips Tagged: , , , , , , ,

The goal for most SEO efforts is to land on the first page of Google.  Once you’re there, it’s about the uphill battle to the top of page one. Some companies will tell you there isn’t much of a difference between positions four and five, but the fact is position four gets 50% more clicks. SEO is a game of inches, and nowhere is that more true than for small business SEO.

When it comes to local and small business SEO, being in the top three is the paramount objective. Obviously that’s what you’re striving for anyway, but it’s especially relevant for small businesses.


Approximately 25% of all searches on Google are made with local intent, and that number is rising every single day. When people are searching locally, they’re often times doing so from a portable device like a smartphone or tablet. These searchers are generally already on the road, and their clicks convert into business more than 75% of the time. In some industries (eg food service, automotive repair) these searches convert into business 90% of the time!  (facts and figures)

These facts make ranking in the top three results absolutely crucial for small business search engine optimization. You’ve probably heard that you need to be “above the fold,” meaning displayed without having to scroll, but many people forget that “the fold” is much, much higher on portable devices. Iphones held in their normal vertical orientation only display three results, horizontally that’s cut down to two. If someone is searching from their phone, the chances are good that they are ready to act on the search within the hour. If you want that business, your chances of getting it improve exponentially if you’re above the fold.

We understand that’s easier said than done. If you need help, you can always contact us here at Wikimotive, or just read any of the hundreds of articles we’ve written on the subject. When you’re doing it for yourself,  the important thing to remember is that when it comes to small business SEO, you shouldn’t stop optimizing until you’re in the top three!


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