Facebook Mobile Referrals are Killing It

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Facebook Tagged:


Facebook doesn’t do that well in the mobile space, have you heard that one before? People are always complaining that the app is bad and that people just aren’t using Facebook when their on the go. Of course that’s ridiculous, Facebook is the most popular social media site in the world, but for some reason people have it in their heads that mobile Facebook is just no good. Well, if you’re one of those people, prepare for a rude awakening. If you’ve believed in Facebook mobile all along for digital marketing, prepare to be vindicated.

According to a recent study by Shareaholic, Facebook mobile traffic to websites has skyrocketed in the past year. As of September 2013, mobile traffic from the social network is up 253% over September 2012. It’s not a fluke either. As you can see in the graph below, it’s a marked and consistent trend:


It’s not just mobile either. All Facebook traffic is trending upwards. Referral traffic has grown a total of 3.84 percent in the past year, with mobile doing the bulk of the heavy lifting:


This data should prove to you once and for all that you can’t afford to ignore mobile just because it’s another thing on your plate. You need to be sure your site is ready for mobile visitors, and that means doing more than just using a semi-responsive theme and calling it a day. Take it from Shareaholic’s Danny Wong:

“Make sure your site is fully optimized for mobile browsing. Let’s face it. No one really enjoys pinching and zooming, or finger dragging, to read or see anything. Your visitors will thank you for it.”

If you’re unsure about your current mobile strategy and want to get a better understanding of where you are, don’t hesitate to contact us here at Wikimotive for a free evaluation. We love looking at real world cases, and we love helping where we can.