Deciphering Facebook Insights

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Facebook Marketing Tagged: , , , , ,

Facebook has had their analytics tool called, Facebook Insights, for a while now, and since its conception it has grown more and more complex. Insights are now able to show Facebook Page Admins all kinds of useful information which can be a huge help when trying to hone your Facebook marketing strategy. However it can also get a little overwhelming, when showing it off to your boss or a client, data overload is a real concern.

Facebook insights can give you an excellent look at the over all health of your page and some real insight into how things actually work on Facebook but you have to know what you’re looking at. After selecting the date range and downloading your spreadsheet you’ll find several of the metrics are broken down into daily, weekly, 28-day, and monthly increments.

What’s confusing about the spreadsheet is that if you downloaded one specifically for July 2012 and you take a look at July 10th in the monthly column you’re actually seeing the last 28 days ending in July 10th. even though you’re looking at a spreadsheet for July, in the monthly column you might be getting numbers from June. If you just want the monthly total make sure you’re looking at the column for the last day of the month.

The most important metrics included in your Facebook Insights should be tracked weekly if not daily. Here is a list of some metrics that you should definitely be paying attention to.

People Talking About This: The number of people sharing stories about your page. This included liking your page, posting to your wall, taking action on one of your posts (liking, commenting, or sharing), RSVPing to your event, mentioning your page, photo tagging, or checking in at your place.

Engaged Users: This is the number of people who actually engage with your page, this includes any click or story created.

Total Reach: The total number of people who have seen any content associated with your page.

Need help deciphering your Facebook Insights? Not sure what to do with the information you’re getting? Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation of your Facebook Strategy and advice on how you can improve.

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