Facebook Developing A Want Button

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
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Last week we wrote an article about Facebook’s new Wi-Fi program. This week, we want to talk about one of the other new interesting features that the social network is testing. This one aims to shorten the sales funnel between Facebook and the businesses that advertise on it, hopefully making marketing using Facebook more effective.

The new feature is called the “Want Button.” Basically, it allows users to create a wish list of products that they would like to have. The button is attached to images of retail items that are for sale by the business. When the button is clicked, a status update is posted to the users wall, “User Wants This Product.”

This is good for businesses in a couple different ways. The first is that it allows products to go viral with relative ease. One user wants it, then one of their friends wants it, and with every click it spreads to more and more users’ walls. The best part of that is, people who they are friends with are likely to be in the same marketing demographic, making every “want” that much more powerful.

The second major reason this is good is that it shortens the sales funnel. Now, you have a user liking a picture, maybe visiting the retailer’s Facebook page, and then maybe landing on the actual website. With the want button, the product is added to a wish list. From there, they can easily go to that products retail page. What’s more, their friends and family can peruse their want lists and pick up items as gifts!

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