Google Cracking Down Even More On Unnatural SEO

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Online Marketing Tagged: , , , , , , ,

Google announced this week that they would be making further adjustments to their algorithms, specifically with the Penguin and Panda parts of it. If you’ve been reading our blog and following our advice you should have nothing to worry about because you will already be creating good content. If not you might want to pay attention because the adjustments to the algorithm are all about devaluing sites that don’t appear to be doing their SEO organically.

What this means is poor content, created only for the purpose of “gaming the system” will be found and devalued. Keyword stuffing and using unnatural language in your copy will definitely attract the attention of Google but not in a good way. Google strives to deliver the best possible user experience so they have committed to weeding out the content that is designed only for their algorithms. The only way to rank better on Google now is to make sure you’re writing good, rich, original content that humans, not Google, will want to read.

Keyword research will always be important, because that’s how people search for things, and it will always be the core of how Google tries to serve them the most relevant content. What is important is what you do with your keywords. Title tags, descriptions and H1 text are still important use your keywords there. While writing your copy though, you need to be trying to sound as genuine and organic as you possibly can. Try to work some keywords in to your natural writing, make sure it sounds natural if you keep putting keywords into your copy where they don’t read properly or don’t make sense, google will find you.

Need help creating content that is still SEO optimized but looks and reads as original, helpful and informative content? We here at Wikimotive specialize in writing SEO optimized content for the new panda and penguin era. Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation of your current SEO strategy and advice on how you can improve.

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