Google Finally Makes The Full Switch To Analytics v5

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Can you believe that it’s been a year since Google announced the new Google Analytics? Before now you didn’t have to make the transition if you didn’t want to but now, a year later, Google is killing version 4 and version 5 will be the only option. The link back to “Old Version – Reporting” has been removed from the footers as well meaning Google Analytics v4 is finally dead. Google Analytics v5 should help you streamline your digital marketing efforts even more.

The Google team announced this news in a blog post earlier this week. They said it was time to leave the old version behind, and offered up some links to Google analytics help center for those who are finding the transition difficult. They also mentioned a few features you should focus on for the new version.

New features in v5 include real-time analytics reports, multi-channel funnel reports for attribution tracking, a whole mess of social media tracking tools, and content experiments Google’s improved A/B testing platform.

There were reports about features missing from v5 but Google says they have addressed that. Google Analytics Director of Engineering made it clear that they have taken into account every bit of feedback they’ve received over the past few years. “We’ve been listening very closely and doing our best to incorporate the feedback and ideas,” Muret explained. “We are continually working to improve upon Google Analytics and help provide you with tools to make better decisions for your website and marketing programs.”

Do you need help making the transition? Not sure how to use all of the new features? Contact Wikimotive for help with your Google Analytics and digital marketing strategies.

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