Swinging with Vine

Posted on by Zach Billings
Categories: Other Social Networks Tagged: , , , ,

Have you started using Vine? Have you even heard of Vine? It was released this year on January 24th, and it caught on with a speed that most fledgling social networks could only dream of. With Vine, you create vines, essentially the video version of Tweets. They’re 6 second videos you edit together within the app, and they’re just what the doctor ordered for today’s ADD general public. We aren’t going to say that Vine will make our break your social media for business, but it is a great little addition in certain industries.

The first thing you should do is pickup your smartphone and install vine. Grab it from the app store and start the download so by the time you finish reading this article you’ll be good to go. When Vine starts, it’ll give you a quick tutorial on how to use it. It’s really easy, so we won’t waste any time explaining that to to you here.

A proper vine needs to be constructed just like a Tweet. You have a limited amount of space and you need to use every last bit of it to maximum effect. Think of vines as tiny little commercials for your brand. They can be funny, scary, interesting or informative, but the medium seems to lend itself better to humor than anything else. Do to the nature of how Vine records, you can also do one video that uses all 6 seconds, or cut it up into a bunch of tiny parts, essentially creating stop motion videos.

The key to a good vine is to come up with an original concept geared towards the medium. If you try and shoehorn a longer idea you have into a vine, you’ll end up with a muddled mess. Keep it short, keep it sweet, and don’t be afraid to have a little fun with your brand.

Check out a few neat examples of Vine marketing below:

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