Category: Other Social Networks

New App from Twitter Cofounder

Twitter is one of the most popular social networks in the world, and now Twitter co-founder Biz Stone is trying to make lightning strike twice. Mr. Stone left the Twitter corporation a little while back, and he’s been working on a new top secret social project. There wasn’t a lot of news about his work, but now he’s finished and […]

Low Five(rr)

So, today we’re going to talk about Fiverr. Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of articles popping up that list different ways to build links and boost your SEO using the service. In case you don’t know, Fiverr is elance for stupid people a site where people offer services (known as gigs) and they all cost five dollars. Now, these services can […]

Yahoo Trying to Purchase Hulu

Yahoo is like the last of the great dinosaurs. It’s head, once proudly held high over creation, now dragging through the mud and dirt at the end of its ineffectual neck. They’ve been making moves, trying to change their internal structure to grow, but those haven’t seen much result. Their new tactic is buying up properties (like Tumblr for 1.1 […]

YouTube Turns 8

YouTube has been the goto source for videos for pretty much everyone on the planet these past few years. It’s simple, functional, open to the public, and free. What more could you ask for? This week, the social video network is turning eight years old, and they’re introducing an interesting new mechanic that could change how they operate moving forward. […]

Swinging with Vine

Have you started using Vine? Have you even heard of Vine? It was released this year on January 24th, and it caught on with a speed that most fledgling social networks could only dream of. With Vine, you create vines, essentially the video version of Tweets. They’re 6 second videos you edit together within the app, and they’re just what […]

Snapchat Not So Temporary After All

Have you ever heard of Snapchat? It’s an app developed for iOS and Android. Using Snapchat, you can send pictures back and forth with your friends, the twist is that these pictures self-destruct after being opened. The idea behind it is that people will feel more comfortable sending some pictures (cough sexting cough)  if they know the pictures will delete […]

YouTube Hits 1 Billion Unique Visitors…A Month!

Everyone knows YouTube is popular, but it’s easy to lose sight of just HOW popular it is. It’s become the goto video service on the web, so much so that it’s often times used synonymously with “video host” the same way people call all facial tissue Kleenex or all gelatin Jell0. This week, the service hit the incredible milestone of […]

Stumbleupon and You

Stumbleupon is one of the most interesting social media sites around, and by interesting, I mean it is a complete and total time-sink. Essentially, it’s a toolbar that has a “Stumble” button you can press that will bring you to a random page on the web based on your interests. You can also upvote and downvote pages, which is how […]

Reviews of the New Myspace

The new MySpace is in the testing phases as we speak. People are exploring in the wilderness of Beta-version social media, but are they liking what they find? It it something you and your Digital Marketing Company should be paying much attention to? So far, the outlook is fairly bleak. Our limited time playing with the new network showed a lot […]

New Set Of Updates For Foursquare

Foursquare has quietly been making moves that will have a major impact on local businesses and local internet marketing. The service is already used to check in at a variety of places, and now their reach will be expanding. The first new feature is the explore option for non-registered users, and the attached ratings update. Explore lets users search for