
Giving Your 2019 a Personal Touch

Since the earliest days of radio spots and television sponsorships, celebrity endorsements were considered the gold standard of commercial validation. The idea that a compensated actor or pop culture personality lends any credibility to a product or service might be ridiculous, and yet, the hapless consumer inside of each of us continues to fall for the tactic time-and-time-again. Few industries […]

Thinking Small: an Automotive Marketing Mindset for 2019

There are certain expectations found all-too-commonly among those seeking the expertise of an automotive advertising company or 3rd party marketing professional. In many cases, such expectations come influenced by some sort of marketing myopia or an inability to see the proverbial forest for the trees. Granted, one might argue that such a lack of awareness explains why a dealership or […]

Embracing the Social Side of Your Dealership

Before you get hung up the ins and outs of automotive social media marketing, it’s important to take a step back. Why? Because it’s entirely possible that you’re ‘too close’ to have any real perspective on the importance of social media to the continued success of your dealership. Granted, saying such a thing might come across as somewhat condescending, but […]

Perspective and Prioritization of Your SEO Strategy

When it comes to executing an automotive SEO strategy, where do you start? It’s a loaded question for sure, so…well…let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. SEO is crucial for any dealership, for the same reason that it’s crucial to the continued success of any business. It speaks to the marketing of your business using the tools that technology […]

Is Digital Marketing Blurring the Lines Between Tiered Automotive Marketing?

According to a report by eMarketer, the estimated automotive marketing spend in 2017 fell in somewhere around $206 billion. Coming off a seven-year run of continual sales growth, it’s no surprise that the industry has shown such openness toward investment. The near-unparalleled level of innovation alone ensured that most messages were well-worth “getting out there” and, judging by the spend, […]

The Why’s and How’s of Gaining Influence in 2019

When we think of auto advertising, it’s easy for us to default to the iconography that has proved successful since the infancy of televised automotive marketing back at the midpoint of the 20th century. Beauty shots of shiny new vehicles, handling impeccably around tight corners. All engine, road and wind noise removed in the editing process and replaced with hints […]

2019: Time to Get People Talking

2019 presents a unique challenge for marketers, regardless of the industry that they represent. For the sake of these articles, we’ll convey the ideas in the context of car dealerships, automotive advertising agencies and the automotive industry as a whole. But rest assured, the ideas are universal, relating to the evolving face of brand recognition, reinforcement and consumer valuation. They […]

Marketing Fearlessly in 2019

Whether facilitated in-house by your own marketing team, or through a third party vendor, automotive advertising is not for the weak of heart. We live in transitional times, shifting with both the frequency and inherent dangers of cartoon quicksand. No longer can a dealership thrive (let alone survive) solely on the reapings yielded by traditional marketing efforts. Truth be told, […]

Legal Marketing 2019: Where You Need to Be

At its core, Law Firm Marketing is about differentiation: the ability to convey a firm or practice’s value proposition in more ways than reiterating “we are aggressive, and get results!” One might argue that the need for differentiation is universal among marketers, but legal marketing presents unique challenges since the ‘results’ are usually life-altering in nature. Failure of an attorney […]

Back to (Virtual) Life. Back to (Augmented) Reality

When you think of your real estate marketing strategy, what comes to mind? Word-of-Mouth referral? Print ads? Lawn signage with your visage (or that of an associate) emblazoned across it? Scaled up versions of the same in billboard form? Perhaps you’re focused on local television and radio spots? Or if you’re truly ahead of the curve, you probably steer your […]

Automotive Marketing Trends to Get Aboard

Going digital is no longer a thing of the present. At the risk of sounding elitist, or dismissive, if your automotive marketing hasn’t already gone digital (at least partially) you have placed your dealership at a significant disadvantage. To be clear, we’re not simply referring to whether or not you have a responsive website, with inventory configured to create an […]

Putting Your Private Practice in the Public Eye

Putting Your Private Practice in the Public Eye

No matter what industry they exist in, today’s businesses need to implement digital marketing strategies in order to maintain, if not increase, their client relationships. Medical practices are no exception, and today’s private practice marketing strategies employ a number of components. Such steps allow a practice to gain a competitive edge over their local competitors, increasing visibility of their services […]

Utilizing SEO to Set a New Precedent of Success

Utilizing SEO to Set a New Precedent of Success

As practitioners operating within the legal system, you’re no stranger to binding changes in legal principle. As practitioners operating within the field of digital marketing, we’re no stranger to binding changes in SEO strategies. And while you might be unable to appreciate the breadth of commonality between those two fields, a quickly scribbled Venn Diagram would place your legal marketing […]

Empowering Your Small Business (With Big Reach!)

Empowering Your Small Business (With Big Reach!)

If there’s one thing that we’ve learned over the last few years it’s that, thanks to technology, the potential of a small business marketing initiative is anything but…well, small. In the past, modestly-sized independently-owned businesses were bound to fall under the shadow of larger competitors. The combination of massive buying power and proportionally-sized marketing budgets proved difficult for any small […]

Prioritizing SEO in Your Automotive Marketing for 2019

While most people are still trying to wrap their heads around the fact that autumn is already upon us, automotive marketing professionals (and their counterparts in almost every industry) are already focused on forming their digital strategies for 2019. And, if recent years have taught us anything, each year that passes increases the importance of SEO to these strategies and the […]

Meeting the Expectations of an Informed Generation

Meeting the Expectations of an Informed Generation

2017 was the year it all changed. It was the year when millennial consumers fulfilled their long-anticipated destiny of overtaking Baby Boomers as the single largest consumer demographic. With an estimated $200 billion in annual buying power, consumer trends would now be dictated by the younger members of our society, with little likelihood of it reversing anytime soon. And with […]

Rep Matters (10 Tips for Addressing Negativity Towards Healthcare)

Rep Matters (10 Tips for Addressing Negativity Towards Healthcare)

In the United States, there’s still a significant portion of our population debating the pros and cons of the affordable healthcare act. The political spectrum remains perpetually at odds over the idealistic entitlement for universal healthcare and the fiscal realities that stand in the way of such demands. But partisan politics aside, there’s little value in arguing the fact that […]

What is the Precedent Set by Your Online Presence?

What is the Precedent Set by Your Online Presence?

It’s widely believed that there are seven essential characteristics that people look for when seeking legal representation. Do you know what they are? Chances are that you’re already ticking all seven boxes if you can (honestly) look at yourself and feel that you’re achieving all of your goals. But let’s be honest. Regardless of the size of your firm or […]

4 Things to Keep in Mind With Your Social Media Marketing (and 4 Ways to Set Yourself Apart)

4 Things to Keep in Mind With Your Social Media Marketing (and 4 Ways to Set Yourself Apart)

You don’t have to be a digital marketer to recognize the fact that social media, in all forms, presents an opportunity. Every social media user, regardless of platform used, opens themselves to the possibility of being marketed to. Then again, every social media user also gains the opportunity to become a marketer themselves. In terms of both images and text, […]