Facebook Creates Video Guide For Optimizing Your Page

Posted on by Wikimotive LLC
Categories: Social Media Marketing Tagged: , , , , , , ,

If you’re looking for good SEO advice Facebook probably wouldn’t be the first place you might go. However, the people over at Facebook are trying to change that. Along side an online marketing agency called Distilled, Facebook just launched a new video that will show users how to optimize their Facebook pages. This is the first video Facebook has done regarding advice for users on optimizing their pages for search, but it is definitely an important part of social media marketing.

This video gives a thorough step-by-step process for building an optimized page with a good name and relevant content. It also shows users how to get links and likes for their new page. It’s a pretty short 7 minute video focused mostly on why all of these things are important, and provides a great resource for small business owners who are just getting started with digital marketing and social media.

Need help managing your newly built and optimized Facebook Page? Having trouble coming up with great content to fill your page with? Contact Wikimotive for a free evaluation and advice on how you can better manage your social media campaign.

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